Chapter 3

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I wake up the next morning at the usual time, doing my usual morning routine. The sentences I heard still ringing in my head. Who were they? What do they want to rescue me from? Why do I even hear them? I bump into Myung, who is still home. Normally he would be long gone by now so why is he still here? „Morning", I say in an attempt to make conversation. „Morning." „Why are you still here? Don't you have to be at work?" „I'm sick, so I stay at home today. Do you mind to buy me some soup when you come home later?" „No, of course I can. Rest well. See you later." I leave the apartment, leaving Myung behind me, before he can say anything more. On my way to work I pass many shops and wonder what Taehyung's job is. I should ask him when we meet up the next time. I reach the restaurant and go change before starting to work. Today we have a lot of customers so I'm quite busy. I don't mind at all. I hurry around careful to not bump into someone or spill the food. After some time Taehyung walks in, looking around, probably searching for an empty table but I thought wrong. He goes up to Hyuna and follows her to the boss office. I wonder what he wants from our boss. But I don't have much time to think about it since there're coming more customers each minute. While waiting for the orders I told our cook I see someone coming out of the changing room. It's Taehyung... but why? „Hey Mina. How are you?", he asks with his usual smile and I need a few moments to realize he wears our uniform. „You work here now? Why?", I ask, completely ignoring his question. „Well, I thought a restaurant is a good place to meet new people. I told you I don't have many friends remember? Moreover I wanted to be around you because you are my first friend here." I nod to show I understand him and say: "Ok, let's start with work then. By the way I'm fine. What about you?" „Me too. Let's hang out after work, ok?" First I wanted to nod but then I remembered Myung. I have to buy soup and probably stay by his side in case he needs anything. I sigh and say: „Sorry. My roommate is sick and I have to take care of him after work but maybe tomorrow will go." „Alright. I didn't expect that you have a roommate. Is he nice?" „Not really. But we don't see each other often anyway." „Then why are you living together?" I shrug and say: „I think it's because I'm not allowed to live on my own so someone send Myung to me, to live with me." „If that's the case you could also live with me, right?" I blink a few times. „You know, Taehyung. That's really nice of you but we are basically still strangers and I won't move in with a stranger again. I made that mistake with Myung. I want to know you more before I live with you." „But that was not a no. It's fine. Let's hang out tomorrow to get to know each other better." „Mina, Taehyung, get to work already!", Minwo says, seeing us two just standing around, talking. „Sorry, Minwo", I say and rush away to take some orders of some guests who arrived just a few minutes before. Work passed by quickly and I rush away after saying good bye to buy the soup for Myung. I reach our apartment and already hear the tv. I look through the door and see a sleeping Myung. I decide to make him the soup first and wake him afterwards. I quickly cook the soup and put it into a bowl to bring it to Myung. I shake him lightly and to my luck he opens his eyes right away. „Here. I made you the soup. How do you feel?", I ask putting the bowl on the table in front of the couch and helping him sit up. „Better, I think. Thanks for the soup." I nod and hand him the soup. „Careful, it must be still hot", I say, not sure if it is really hot or not. He nods and carefully puts the spoon into his mouth. „It's nice. Warm and tasty. Thanks again." „Do you need something else?" He shakes his head and continues to eat. „If you need anything call me." He nods and I leave the room to go to my own room. I look to the book ,deciding to read more. I'm at the point where the girl has gone completely insane. But what do you expect, when you don't know if you dream or not? I read a few more pages before going to look after Myung, who is again sound asleep on the couch, so I turn off the television before going to sleep myself. But before I could even lay down my phone vibrates and continues too. I look at the screen, seeing Taehyungs name on it. „Hello?", I say after answering the call. „Hey Mina, how are you? I thought you were already asleep. Sorry for the late call." „No it's fine. I'm good and Myung seems better too. How about you?" „I'm fine. About tomorrow... We hang out after work, promise?" I keep silent. Did he just called because of that? „Promise", I answer and smile lightly. „Did you call me just because of that?" A short pause before he coughs awkwardly and says: „Yeah. I was afraid you don't want to hang out." „There was no reason to. If I say something I mean it. We will hang out tomorrow, don't worry." „Ok, I'm glad. Well then good night. See you tomorrow." „Good night. See you tomorrow." We end the call and I shake my head. This boy. Why is he afraid that I won't hang out with him? There are a lot of other people in this town he could hang out with. I lay down in bed but somehow sleep won't come to me. I toss and turn but to no success. I end up staring at the ceiling. Why can't I sleep? I get up and read some more, trying to get tired by reading but it was the worst decision I did. As I read the story gets more and more exciting. Right before the ending it seems like everything is ok. The girl stands on a bridge, looking at the sunset, when suddenly she jumps down. That can't be the end! Why did she commit suicide? Wasn't everything alright? I turn to the next page, hoping it was her dream-self that died but no it was really her. The story is done and it ended with her dying. If I could feel I would be really sad right now, probably. I liked the girl, she was strong I never thought she would give up. I put the book onto my desk and lay back down. What would I do, if I were her? Would I kill myself like her? No I don't think so but it won't happen to me anyway. It was just an imaginary story, nothing less and nothing more. I close my eyes in an attempt to sleep and finally it works.

„How did it go?" „Good, I think. I definitely made progress." „That's good to hear. I hope it helps." „I hope so too. Please, wake up soon, Mina." But I just fell asleep a few minutes ago, why do I need to wake up?

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