Chapter 2

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The picture shows how our baby looks like in this story because I forgot to describe him and I'm too lazy to do it now xD

„Mina, can you get the order of table 6, please?", one of my co-workers, Yuna, asks to which I nod. I walk to the table where a boy is sitting, waiting patiently for a waiter to arrive. „Hello, my name is Mina. I'm taking care of you today. Can I bring you anything yet?" I ask, trying to smile but it feels more like a grimace. „Hey, yeah. I want a coke and the number 45 please", the boy says with a smile but suddenly stops. „You look so familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" I blink a few times before saying: „No, I don't know you, sorry. I'm coming back later to bring your order. If you need anything feel free to ask." I turn around when he says: „My name is Kim Taehyung, by the way." „Nice to meet you, Taehyung", I say while looking back at him with another attempted smile before I walk off. „What is wrong with that guy?", I ask myself after I told the cook the order of Taehyung. I stare into space when the cook says that his order is ready. I nod as a thanks and grab the plate to bring it to Taehyung. „Here you go. Have a nice meal", I say and he thanks me, again with his bright smile. I go to another table where the people want to pay and tell them good bye after. A few moments pass by before I see that Taehyung has finished. I go to him and ask: „Was it good?" He nods, smiling happily and says: „I have to come here more often. The food is tasty, the waitress is nice. Why can't every restaurant be like this?" He chuckles and I just smile, or better try to smile. I really have to practice how to smile. „So, can I pay?" I look back at him, realizing that I spaced out again, and nod. „That makes 23,50€, please", I say and Taehyung gives me 25 while saying: „Keep the change. See you around. Bye." „Bye", I answer while looking after him as he leaves the restaurant. I put the money in the purse but realize a piece of paper that stuck out. I grab it and read what is on it: „Please call me, I would be really happy." Under the text is a phone number and his name. „Should I really call him? But why should I? Why would he even want me to call him?" I debate on whether to keep the number or not but in the end I kept it. Some time after that my shift ends and I walk home. While walking I pull out my mobile and tap the numbers of the number in it to save it. Should I call him now? Another discussion in my head starts and ends with me dialing his number. After a few seconds he picks up and says: „Hello, who is this?" „It's me, Mina, from the restaurant", I answer and he gasps. „Really? I thought you would just throw the paper away. I'm just a weird stranger after all." „I don't think you're weird", I say reassuringly what makes him chuckle. „Only because I behaved for once. Anyway, how are you? Are you off of work for now? It must be pretty hard, running around all the time and dealing with all the people." „Not at all. I would work 24 hours straight if Icould. I really like it." „Yeah seems like it", Taehyung answers, laughing lightly. „Do you mind, if we meet up some other time privately?" I hesitate, not because I'm scared, if I were I wouldn't even know anyway. I hesitate because I don't know what I should think of him. Why does he want to know me so badly? „Why do you want to know me anyway?", I ask, probably shocking him a bit because he stays silent for a while. „I think you're nice and I want to know you because well, I don't have many friends here so I thought we can be friends." So he wants to be friends with me. Maybe I should tell him what I am before we take that step but I want to tell him face to face. „Do you have time right now? There is something important that I have to tell you", I speak into my phone and he replies: „Yeah sure. Where do you want to meet?" „At the park." „Alright, see you there." With that we end the call and I walk to the park. I reach it and sit down on a bench, waiting for Taehyung, who arrived not long after. „So, what do you want to tell me?", he asks, looking at me curious. I take in a deep breath. „I'm not what I seem to be", I start, causing Taehyung to raise an eyebrow. „But aren't you a normal girl?" I shake my head and say: „I'm not human. I'm a humanoid robot. I don't grow old, I can't feel, I can't dream. I can't even smile properly. I wanted to tell you that, before you decide to become friends with me. Many of your kind hate me for whatever reason. So I wanted to tell you..." I kept looking at him while I spoke what I had to say. He keeps silent for some time before he says: „I don't care, that you are a humanoid robot. You're still nice and kind. I still want to befriends with you. Who knows maybe I can teach you how to feel. Don't worry I will never hate you for what you are. You stuck with me now." He shows me his big grin again and I try to smile again, what makes him chuckle. „Maybe I should teach you how to smile first", he suggests and I nod eagerly. We keep sitting on the bench with him trying to teach me how to smile. After some time, and with some I mean a lot, I am finally able to smile properly. „See? It's not that difficult, is it?", he asks and I shrug. „I wish I could have done that from the beginning, but I don't know why I can't feel, that makes it difficult to smile. Moreover to smile at the right point." „You will get the hang of it, believe me. Shall I bring you home? It got pretty late", Taehyung suggests and I nod. We go through the almost empty streets until we reach the building in which my apartment is. „Thank you, Taehyung. It would be nice to meet up again", I say and smile at him, what makes him smile in return. „See? You got the right point to smile! I'm proud of you. Yeah it would be nice. We call, ok?" I nod and wave him good bye before I enter the building to go to the apartment. I open the door to find an empty apartment in front of me. Seems like Myung didn't come back yet. I take off my shoes and wander around a bit, stopping at the kitchen door, to see a lot of dirty dishes. „He can never wash them by himself", I murmur before I start to clean the dishes myself. After I finished I go to my room and continue reading the book for a bit. It really is interesting, even I forget which one the dream and which one the reality is. After some more reading I go to bed, sleeping immediately.

„Any sign of her waking up?", a male voice asks. „Not yet but don't lose your hope." „I won't. I rescue you, I promise." Again, he wants to rescue me, but from what? I don't understand. And who is he anyway?

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