Chapter Twenty-Two: Secrets

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How did he find out?! Did Lavender tell him?! Did he figure it out himself?!

My mind turned on a dime. This is not good.

"Then why is it so torturing to keep?!" Said Lavender sobbing.

"It's never been like that for me." Said Hawk next to me, "I wonder what's going on with her...."

"Listen Lav. I know what you're going through." Said Elk who got Interrupted.


Elk took her face in his hands and pulled her face towards her.

"Bad idea! Bad idea!" I said to no one as I looked down.

Elk kissed her rather quickly.

I stared down in shock.

"Well, I would of done the same thing. Nice idea Elk."

I lifted my hand up and clasped his beak shut. "Shut up!"

Lavender was half unsure this was real judging by her eye expression.

She finally relaxed a bit before Elk let go.

He stared at her surprised. "Sorry! I didn't mean to! I don't know what happened! It just came to me! Sorry if that was weird. I didn't know how to shut you up!

Lavender just stared at him.

"Uh..... ok this is awkward! You know what I'll just leave now and pretend that never happened. So I'll just see you tom-"

To my surprise, Lavender did the same thing and kissed him back!

Hawk snickered in my ear. "Savage!"

I smiled a bit. I had to admit to myself, this is the most entertaining thing I have seen in weeks!

Elk now was wearing Lavender's expression.

Lavender let go and stared at him. "Sorry I overreacted. It's just hard. I guess all the pressure is starting to weigh down on me."

He scratched his head. "Yeah. Sorry about that uh...."

She smiled. "It's fine. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later."

"Wh- what?"

"Come on Elk. I notice things too." She said laughing a bit.

"Well, I'm just glad it didn't become awkward." He said sighing.

Lavender hugged him. "Thanks anyways."

He hugged her back. "No problem. What are friends for?"

"Ha! Friends he said! After that! He thinks they're "friends!" Ha!" Said Hawk.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on Hawk. Lets get to the meeting."

"Just wait until they go!" Said Hawk pleading.

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