Chapter Eighteen: Dreams

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It's the 27th of December. Tonight would be the first actual SAIT session. I'm still not sure if I'm up to do this.

I looked down at my Navigator; playing with the hologram switch.

I sighed.

I looked outside and saw fresh snow falling from the sky. Dad is gone for work again.

I looked back at my navigator and felt a sensation coming from my left arm.

My eyes seemed to glow.

I looked down and saw it glowing green.

This has been going on all day. My symbol's reacting to something.

I sighed and looked at my phone. I picked it up and went to the group message of all the trainers.

"Hey, is anyone's symbol being a bit weird today?"

I waited and looked at the screen.

I gasped as Shadow texted back.

"What do you mean?"

Sky texted.

"Is it glowing?"

I texted back. "Yes. Like every 10 minutes."

"Mines doing that too!" texted Lavender.

"Maybe because it's snowing." Said Dragon.

"Yeah that might explain a few things...." said Shadow said adding a 'think emoji' to the end of it.

"Autumn! Dinner's ready! Dad made burgers!"

I texted. "Got to go. I'll talk to ya guys later."

"K bye Autumn!" Said Sky.

I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone at the table already digging into the food.

I sat down and covered my arm with my sleeve and grabbed some potatoes.

"So we got information about some activity of more woods being portal hopped again." Said Dad.

"Oh really? Unregistered?" Asked Mom interested.

"Yes. And this time it's by someone we can't identify." responded Dad.

Winter stabbed her fork into her burger. "They're goin down!!!!!!!" She said triumphantly.

"Funny thing is it was giving us a responding that was neither Human or a creature."

I choked on my water.

"What?!" I said.

"Well, the signals wasn't either Spirit, Nether, nor Ender! It was a weird creature that we saw."

I choked even more and my face went pale. "Anything else that came with it?"

"Well, we did get that there was some sort of powers illuminating somewhere in the Screeching Crow Forest, but obviously that forest is too dense for anything to come out of it alive so we think it's a dud."

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