Chapter Two: The hawk

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When I got to school, Mr. Rams was about to enter his classroom with tons of microscopes. When he saw me, he waved.

"Hey kiddo!" He said, "I got this but you can get started working on setting up the tables."

I nodded and walked behind him into the classroom. Desks were full of science books and assignments. I saw Lavender passing the last bunch of papers out.

"Hi Lavender!" I said as I came in through the door.

"Hi Autumn! Raven's in the back closet getting slides and cover slips. You can help her with that."


I went to the back and saw Raven with a box of slides in her hands.

Raven's an Ender raven(obviously) and really likes bread for some odd reason.

I took the slides from her and set them on the microscopes that Mr. Rams had set up on the back table.

When everything was set up, he called a small meeting.

"Thank you girls for helping me today. But before you go, can you two go get the science books in Room 12?" He asked pointing to Lavender and Raven.

"Sure! How many?" Raven asked.

"About 25. Take the cart. It'll be easier than to take a bunch of trips." He responded.

They nodded and headed out the door.

"And can you Autumn go get the aprons in the café? We'll be working with dye today and you know what that means for our clothes."

"Ok. And I'm guessing around 20 aprons?"

He nodded. "Just ask the assistant that you need the aprons in the back."


I walked out of the classroom and headed towards the bridge that connected the junior high section to the elementary section. The café was on the elementary side for some reason.

As I stepped on the bridge, I looked down.

A stream goes through the school and the waterfall pours water down a steep drop that is about 20 feet deep. It's too small for a nether with its wings outstretched so it's very dangerous. It flows down next to the the ramp towards the lower lounge hangout for the 5th and 6th graders.

I put my hand on the railing and looked down to where the stream settles after the waterfall brings it down.

"Wow. It's so dark! I wonder what hap-"

I heard a board crack on the railing and I lost balance.

I fell off and managed to grab onto the rope that was tied around the next railing post.

My heart started racing as I tried to pull myself up.

I saw the rope start to break. I started calling for help.


It was no use. Lavender and Raven were across the quad and Mr. Rams was inside. And it's way before the first bell. No ones here yet.

I felt my arm mussels getting weak. I can't fly out because I'm jammed between stone walls!

"HELP!!" I called but nothing.

I saw the rope just hanging by a thread.

"Oh, no."

I felt the rope snap and I started falling.



I felt a hand grabbing mine.

"You ok?"

I looked up and saw someone I haven't met before. He had dark brown hair that was smoothed back and he looked around my age. He had amber hawk eyes and wings and seemed pretty new.

"I'm fine. But I'm kinda hanging off the edge of a bridge here..."


He pulled me up just where I could climb back into the bridge.

"Thanks." I said.

He smiled. "No problem. Just be careful next time."

"Ok. And you look new. Did you just come here?"

He nodded. "I'm in Mr. Condor's home room."

"Oh! Ok. I'm Autumn. I'm in Mr. Rams home room."

"I'm Hawk. We just moved here from Crater's Peak in Malasia. I was on my way up to the office and saw the bridge about to tip over with you screaming your head off!"

Ignoring him, I felt something click in my mind. "Do you live above Tanglewood?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I'm your next door neighbor!"

"You're that house with weird tiled roof!"

I nodded. "Uh...sure you can call it that."

"Well, I bet we'll be seeing each other a lot now!" He said.

I laughed. "Well, I need to get some aprons for a science project and probably tell the office that the bridge is not safe! Anyway it was nice meeting you!"

I started walking away when I saw him run up to me. "I'm not doing anything. Do you want any help?"

I smiled. "Thanks."

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