Chapter Twenty-One: Skyland Pass

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I jumped awake and realized I had dozed off.

English has been extremely boring lately. We have to an Essay about thunderstorms and that's all I remember.

I got up and got some binder paper from a drawer in the back and sat down at my desk.

I looked around and saw Hawk scratching at his paper obviously in deep concentration. His desk partner Onyx, an Ender Panther, was looking over at his paper every 10 seconds.

My desk partner Elk was looking in the science book.

He suddenly looked up and looked at Lavender.

I looked at him and knew what he was thinking.

I smirked. "I think you're looking the wrong science book."

He jumped. "Autumn! Don't do that!"

"Why you staring at Lavender?"

His eyes suddenly went wide. "Uh.... nothing! I wasn't staring at anything! I was spacing out about the essay! I totally wasn't thinking about her and how she smiled at a butterfly on the window!"

I shook my head. "Elk.... I know Lavender. She will read your thoughts 3 seconds before you say them. So she probably already knows."

He groaned. "You're right.... Ughhhg!"

I laughed to myself and started on my essay.

                     *                   *                    *

It was lunch and I was in the library reading a book on human technology.


I looked behind me and saw Hawk running towards me with a book.

"Autumn! You have to see this!"

"What is it about?" I asked as he set the book down on a nearby table.

"It's about it." He said whispering.

"What's it?"

"You know..... it."

Something clicked in my mind. "The Enchant-"

"Shhhhhh!!!! And yes." He responded.

"What did you find out?" I said leaning over the book which was named "Mysterious Anomalies."

"I was trying to find the description of that Creature you were describing last week." He said while flipping the pages.

"And I came across this! Well, if I can find the page. Come on! Where is it?! Oh here it is!"

He sat down and I sat next to him.

I looked at the page in awe.

Species thought to be extinct but sighted~
Researchers have found that the recent extinction of the species The Dragonspirits: The Overpowering species that tried taking over the Human World(for more go to page 164), have been found alive! Recent encounters seem to say that they are in hiding and growing in numbers! After the Dragonspirits seemed to be extinct the estimated amount was just about 7 left. Now the Spirit ITC has reported about 25 Dragonspirits in hiding! After this came up, the ITC came back up with the mystery of the vanishing creatures. Our world was known to have 5 kinds of Creatures. So what was the fifth Creature? No one knows what happened after the war with the Dragonspirits but the mysterious silver creatures were never spotted again(these creatures were rouges and usually spotted in enchanted forests. Myths have shown that they had some sort of powers that made the Dragonspirits drive them out.) These creatures can be read more in detail on page 194.

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