Chapter Four: The agreement

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The next morning, I got out of bed and stretched.

Today was a testing day in English. We have to memorize 10 root words. Ugg!!!

The forecast calls for snow tomorrow. Winter is defiantly around the corner.

I got dressed and went into the kitchen for breakfast.

Dad was on the couch grooming himself. When he saw me, he smiled. "Morning sweets!"

"Morning!" I said yawning.

"Did you watch the meteor shower last night?"

I nodded.

"I missed it. Was it cool?"

"It was amazing!"

My mind was screaming the memory of Hawk catching me once again. I'm defiantly not telling my dad! Heck no!

"You ok?" I heard my Dad say.

I shook my head breaking my thoughts. "I'm fine." I said while turning into a leopard.

He came over to me and inspected me.

He sat down in front of me and sniffed. "I smell fear. You sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine Dad." I said.

His black tail swished. "Ok. Let me know if you need any help with anything."

I nodded.

He gave me a nod and walked into his office.

I sighed.

Thank God!!

I ate breakfast and packed a lunch for myself.

I waved goodbye to Dad and Mom and took Winter's hand and we headed for school.

She took off before me and flew fast. I flew up to her and took a breath.

"Why so fast?" I asked her.

"Friends are being butt holes and I have to get to school quick or they'll do something plain idiotic."

"What is this idiotic thing?" I asked.

"They're going to make Hawk put a love letter in Savannah's backpack."

"Wait who now!?!" I said surprised.

"Hawk. The Nether. He's my age. Haven't you heard of him?"

"Oh. Yes. I've heard of him." I said and I sighed in my mind. "And Savannah?"

"A spirit cheetah. Sister of Dragon."

Oh! I remember Dragon. He is my age and is an Ender Panther. Dragon is a weirdo most of the time though.

As we saw the sign for Moon Valley High School, we turned its exit and Winter flew down to the Elementary part of school while I went to the Junior High part.

I landed on the Runway and walked to class.

I waved to Mr. Coda, my music teacher and is a Spirit Lion as I walked by the Music room.

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