Chapter Seventeen: "Humans"

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I stood there. I had no motion to move as the Humans pointed their Lasers at us.

Everyone went eerie silent as one of them spoke.

"You have lost. Unexperienced Ananimuses who have no idea what to do.... what are you gonna do? Grow flowers in my hair or send little rain droplets on my sleeve?"

The others laughed, however we thought it was quite the opposite.

I felt Lavender growl with anger as she stood petrified to her spot.

I spoke, surprised on how confident I sounded.

"So? You boys have only little toy guns that fire suction cups while we on the other hand have what now? Oh yeah.... smarts! Oh and yes... abilities that will have you flying you back into smart-ass little world!"

I pierced my lips. What had come over me?! I looked over at Hawk, who's mouth was gaping open in shock. On the other hand, Poppy got into it.

"You just got talked down!!!!"

I saw Sky almost about to fall over laughing.

The Humans on the other hand did not like that much.

A laser shot out of a gun and I dodged it at the last second.

This had started it.

I ran up at full speed at the Human that was talking earlier and knocked him over with brute force.

Ha!! These things are funny! They can't even fight back-

I felt shear pain ring through my head as the stupid little thing punched me in the face!

I waved my hand in a motion to my surprise made vines grew up the side of the wall.

I saw him coming towards me and I knocked him back with my wings.

I got it! I need to grow vines!

But how?

I dodged another laser as I changed into a leopard and tackled a Human's backside.

Come on! Come on!

Ok. Vines grow in a twisted angle. So maybe if I twirl my hand up I'll-

I felt weight crush my lungs as the Human decided to try to pin me.

With one shove, I pushed it off.

Now the first Human I faced was coming up to me now looking like he was an ox.

With no intension, I twirled my hand upward and to my surprise, vines tied around its ankles and grew up to his neck which pinned it to the spot.


At this sight, the other Human took off and ran into Rhino which jumped on it.

He tried moving but Rhino had him pinned like a fly in a trap.

I looked around to see everyone still trying to figure out what to do and not to do.

Lavender was sending shards of ice in the wrong directions besides the actual target.

Raven, on the other hand was having some luck by setting the Human's clothes on fire but accidentally caught hers on fire too and was frantically trying to put it out.

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