Chapter Six: The red glowing eyes

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"He...did...WHAT?!?!" Yelled Poppy in fury.

"I had no idea where it came from!! He just did it! What am I supposed to do!? Forget about it?!" I said.

"Hehe... You said did it."

"Wow Sky." Sighed Raven.


"Oh he is sooo dead!!!" Said Lavender who growled.

Right at that moment, Hawk came around the corner with Elk and Rhino.

"Act cool guys!" I whispered.

Hawk waved to us. "Hey peeps!" He said as they came over.

"I don't know?! Do you know what's going on?! I don't know what's going on! You're so dead! Wait did I just say that?! Stop grilling me!!" Sky sputtered uncontrollably.

Elk blinked at her in confusion. "Oooook! So anyway have you guys seen Avatar this morning? He just disappeared."

"Well, that's what happens when Avatar isn't being watched over! He sprouts legs and runs away!" Teased Raven.

Hawk rolled his eyes. "Wow Raven. Just wow."

"Sup people's!"

I was thrown into a hug and I laughed.

"Hey Diamond!"

Diamond's a Nether Gray Owl.

She looked at the boys and cocked her head. "It's quiet over there. Where's Avatar?"

"Don't know. Not here yet." Said Elk.


I heard a familiar voice ring over the quad.

"HIT THE DECK!!" Elk yelled and ducked right before Winter could run into him.

"O M G!!!!!! It's Banana!!!!!"

I looked behind me to see Lavender coming towards us.

"Oh no." She said as she saw Winter.

Winter has nicknames for some of my friends. Apparently she calls Elk "Fishy" and Lavender "Banana".  She's definitely odd.

"Autumn, she's doing it again..."

I look over to see her poking his side for some odd reason.

I did a face palm. "Winter, just leave."

To my surprise, I saw one of her friends call her name and she scampered off.

Elk got up and brushed his shirt off. "At least she didn't try to poke my nose like last time."

"That was interesting!" Replied Raven.

I saw a shadow over by the classroom buildings. My eyes glowed and my night vision kicked in.

"Isn't it weird to say that when Nethers turn their night vision on, it freaks me out?" Said Sky.

Diamond and Elk thought of the same thing and they turned theirs on as well.

"Stop it!"

"Hehe..." Said Diamond.

They kept on doing it.

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