Training Begins

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Author's Note: Hello! I'm back. I lost interest in writing for a bit and I realized a few days ago after seeing comments that people actually enjoy my writing. It made me feel happy that I make other people happy!


*Keira's POV*

I walked back to my room feeling emotionally exhausted. I changed out of my dress and into a suit from the closet. I sat and contemplated what events had just transpired.

So, here's what I understand:

1. Loki and Thor are real

2. We were just attacked

3. My parents are dead and now I'm the Queen.

4. Steve and Anabelle stared at each other in a way I've never seen before... strange. Suddenly a knock sounded on my door. "Keira? It's Steve...Can I speak with you?"

I opened my door and looked at Steve. His eyes were the prettiest shade of blue I had ever seen. His complexion was clear, save for the few spots of dirt and grime from the battle. He had a honest face, and I could read it clearly. He was confused.

"This sounds like a strange thing to say, but...I believe that I may know Anabelle. I think she may be someone I know when I was in the army. Her name was Peggy and she helped me become...well me!"

I looked at him while he explained his past. He was enlisted and used for an experiment....fought Hydra...crashed in the artic...recovered 70 years later...etc. I'd heard the rest of the story from the news. But I had always known Anabelle my entire life, even my parents had known her when they were young.

"Kiera? You ok? You look confused." Steve said with genuine care.

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