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*Katie's POV*

"A bus? Like a public bus that smells of old lady farts an-"

"No, not a public bus" Calum laughed as I furrowed my eyebrows. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me outside the door of the venue.

"Ohh, a tour bus" I laughed nodding as he chuckled, "Oh my god, you have your own bus!" I screamed, realising.

"Go, take a look" Calum said as he gestured towards the bus while I ran in front of him and smiled as the door opened.

I walked up the stairs to see couches at either side of the walls and behind it was a few counters with a fridge and microwave etc.

Calum slid in front of me and took my hand, dragging me further.

"These are our bunks" He said as he gestured to the 'beds' lining the walls.

"Wow, fancy" I laughed as he chuckled and pulled me through the tight hallway, "This one's all yours" He said patting the neatly made bed.

"Where's yours?" I asked.

"Mine is on top of Ashton's, across from yours" He said as I nodded.

"What about these doors?" I said pointing to the door next to the kitchen and one we were facing.

"That's the bathroom" He replied pointing to the door next to the kitchen.

"And this?" I asked walking to the door.

"Open it" He shrugged as I slid the door open to see another lounge room with a long couch lining the walls along with a TV and Xbox on a table.

"Impressive" I laughed as Calum joined and took my hand pulling me through the tight corridor to the main lounge area.

He stepped off the bus as I followed, the fresh air hitting on my face.

"So, where are you playing next?" I asked as Calum bit his lip, thinking.

"I think it's Toronto, we'll be driving overnight though so it won't seem as long" He smiled as I did too.

"Fine by me" I smiled as Calum took my hand in his and swung them as we walked.

"So, what do you want to do before we need to leave?" He asked as I thought.

"Could we go shopping? I didn't bring any clothes with me" I laughed as Calum looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows, "I was in a rush, okay?"

"Okay, let's go, I'll buy you whatever you want" He smiled as I shook my head.

"No, I'm not letting you, I'll buy it" I nodded as he stopped and looked at me. I folded my arms and looked back at him.

"Please, let me buy this, I want to" He pouted, grabbing both my hands and waving them around.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine" I said trying to keep a straight face as he poked my cheek making me laugh.

"Yay" Calum smiled as he leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed back instantly as he placed his hands round my waist while mine went round his neck.

I felt Calum smile into the kiss which made me smile slightly.


I jumped back as I got a fright and Calum rolled his eyes and looked to his side to see Michael and the others getting into the 2 black cars.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping" Ashton said as he got in one of the cars.

"Did he just-"

"Yup" Calum nodded as he took my hand laughing and dragged me into the car.

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