Nineteen: Jeff Vs. Jane

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Author: HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! I'M BACK! I'm pumped off for this year and hope it goes well. I have faith in you 2017!

Jane's POV:

"Train me."

"Get lost."
Jeff's eyes didn't break away from the DS4 in his hands that Ben had handed him to kill boredom. "I'm trying to get past level 19."

I groaned. This is not working.

I turned to watch the other mentors train with their apprentices. It seemed so weird to see these killers take it so serious and yet Jeff was the only one against it.

I really needed to learn how to defend myself if I wanted to survive round 2 with Xenos. So I had to haul Jeff's ass to teach me or accept the date with the devil.

I looked at Jeff who was now getting more deeper into the woods and quickly run up to him.
"Hey, where are you going?" I stood in front of him and he stopped walking.
"There is people who I need to make beautiful." He replied and continued walking past me. But I grab him by the shoulder and force him to stop.

"What?! Aren't you supposed to be training me?" I protested.
"Aren't you supposed to argue for me not to train you?" He asked in a annoyed tone. "Come to think of it, why is it that you're so eager to be trained?" His face shows suspicion as he squints his eyes at me.
"I...uh..eerm.." I stammered. "Well if I'm staying here forever I'll get bored. Y-you know-"
He turns again and proceeded towards the narrow path focusing on the DS4 again. "Now where was I? Oh yeah beating Ben's high score."

I let out a infuriated sigh and watch how Jeff leaves me here standing. This is not working. I need to grab his attention or convince him with so something....anything. But what?
Jeff's only interest was making people beautiful. His only hobby is pain. So what could I do? What I could I do to make him train me so I wouldn't be Xenos prey?!

Just then, while i scatter my brain put for ideas, out of the blue the answer comes flying to me.

Omg! Well duh of course! How could I didn't see it before!?

I had the perfect deal. A deal Jeff wouldn't dear turn down.

"Jeff!" I yell as I start running towards him again.
"What woman?-" Just before he finishes his sentence I snatch the DS4 from his hands and throw it to the ground. The thing breaks and the screen completely shatters causing Jeff to let out the perfect yell. His bored face turns from shock to anger.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" In seconds he's nose to nose with me with an aggressive look.
Again, i try not to show fear and pretend I don't feel threatened.

"Jeff, I have a deal for you." My voice felt strong just as my dull face. Jeff frowns at me confused. "Huh? And that is?"

"If you train me, I'll let you hurt me." Convincing him to train me with this might not be such a nice thing for me, but at least he'll do it. "I'll let you punch me, cut me or stab me."
Inflicting pain on someone is all Jeff lives for. Seeing somebody suffer is like heaven for him. So this was the best idea I could plan. Besides its an offer he can turn down since he's been meaning to torture me, something slender man won't let him do.

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