Five: Things Change

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AN: this chapter is gonna be really short, so please enjoy.

Jane's POV

"What are you doing here?"
I said as i dangled my legs from one side to another. We were sitting down in the rooftop of the house, admiring the beautiful night.

"I never thought i would see you again, jane.." Liu said, his eyes showing disbelief and shock.
"Neither did i.." I said surprised to know that he thought i was dead and i thought he was dead.
"Its been so long" Liu said while looking up to the stars.
"I didn't even recognize you, you've gotten taller and you do look older" I said.

"How did you even get here in the first place?" I asked again.

"Well, I've heard that Jeff was still here and took this family a little visit."

As he talked i observed him really carefully, and i knew that he looked different.
His eyes looked more gray than green, like they somehow lost its color and he had long bags below them. His hair was still the same but it was longer too. His skin looked more paler than ever and the carved-sewed smile made him look completely weird. But there was something i didn't quite like.


He resembled Jeff. Like, a lot.

And I've realized that the smile takes away the spotlight of his face. Like i couldn't focus on anything else in his face but that carved smile.
Liu stopped talking and i realized he had noticed my staring.

"Its hideous isn't it?" He said with a cold tone.
"I hate it too, but its what it keeps me living."

"How's your life going? i try to change the topic.

He shrugged slumping his shoulders.

"I don't know, life itself sucks right now. I wish i could have died when i had the chance."

I was shocked when he said that.

How can he possibly think that?

He sounded so depressed and sad that it made me angry.

He was looking down to the ground, bitterness in his eyes, like if he had lost his hope in life.
It infuriated me so much that i found myself slapping him across in the face.

"Don't give me that bullshit!!" I hissed.

He stared at me in shock.

"You're alive dumbass!! That's what counts!" I say angrily.

This got him by surprise, i guess he thought i was gonna say something depressive and stupid too. But he was wrong.

"Im happy that you're alive and you should be too!!" I took him by the shoulders to make sure he listened to every word i said. "Be grateful of having another chance to live!"

He blinked a few times. His mouth was open as if he couldn't believe me.

"So How the fuck are you feeling right now?" I repeated the question.

"I'm good!! I'm good!" He forcefully replied.

We stayed in silence.

Then we burst out laughing.

"Damn woman!" Liu exclaimed, his lips forming a smile. "It seems like you haven't changed at all. You still scold me around like I'm as child."

I laughed.

We then spent all night talking.

It somehow felt like nothing had ever happened. It seemed that my life never got destroyed or liu never got that hideous carved smile.
It felt just like we were hanging out in a hot afternoon after school. We even forgot that we sat at the roof of a house were a murder had just taken place.

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