Twelve: Possesion

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(This chapter is really short.)

Jane's POV

Ben was about to open his mouth when we see Jeff enter the room.
"Okay, No need to get so friendly with her, Ben."
Jeff was holding a tray of food and left it on the table that was near the door.
"Took the time to bring you food, so you better appreciate it." His tone sounded a little off, like if he was deeply mad but tried not to show it.
"Eat." He commanded me like if I was a dog.
"I'm gonna stay here?" I say angry at him instantly. He smiles.
"Seems the circus girl found out about staying here forever."
I frown, horrified by the word Jeff said.

Forever? What does he mean?

"I'm not gonna stay here." I say through gritted teeth. "I'll prefer death over this."
He only ignores me.
"Just eat dammit." He shook his head in tiredness and then went to get the tray of food.
"Perhaps you should kill me before I do it myself, I'm not planning to pass some time with you." I spat at him with hatred as he places the tray on my thighs.
"I said Eat." He demanded me to do it. I saw a glimpse of deep fury in his eyes, he was mad.
But the minute he leans to put me the tray of food in my thighs, I kick his leg making him lose balance and throw the tray on the ground.
"I'M NOT YOUR BITCH!" I yell at him. "Now tell me, what are you planning to do with me!!?" I wanted an answer.
He straightens up and after observing the tray of food laying on the ground he laughs at me irritatedly.
His bleached eyes glance at me and then he shakes his head. "That won't do Jane."
Then suddenly, he yanks my hair and lifts my face to his. All I can see are his bleached eyes stabbing back at me with wrath.
I let out a small cry and yelp as he holds my hair tighter.
"And don't drive me to the verge of slitting your throat, Jane. Because I will if you don't start being more nicer." He threatened me, I could hear the confidence in his voice. He could do it, he was willing to do it.
"So please, don't start acting your small 'tough girl' role you're doing. You're not convincing any one, we all know you're a scared wimp deep inside."

I was shaking, and I was scared.
I had forgotten who I was messing with. The killer, the devil, the person who ruined me.
This was the Jeff I had so much fear to. The person who haunted my dreams, everyday.

When he lets go of me he doesn't break his boldly stare, but he backs away.
I know that I needed to keep calm and remain strong and be rude towards him, so he wouldn't see my weak side. But I was so tired, so welled up in many feelings and thoughts. I didn't even care anymore.
"I hate you." I told Jeff to his face. Anger rose inside me and I could feel fury showing in my eyes.
"I don't give a fuck if you think I'm the worst." Jeff said remarking his words with hate. He was still staring at me, I could feel his eyes stabbing mines and I felt like he could he see my soul.

When he turned away, he cursed and held tight to his knife.
"You just made her cry." Ben said feeling pity towards me.
"Oh shit. Did I do that? Fuck, not again." He said faking a worried face and a sarcastic tone.

"Slenderman wont like this." Ben said before Jeff could turn to the door. This time Jeff stiffened, but he still kept on being rough.

"I don't care what that old man likes or dislikes." Was all he said.

He left again, but now Ben and Jack didn't talk at all. They only looked at the ground, they wouldn't dear look at me.

I cried.

I cried so hard. I didn't care if they were listening or ignoring me, they were killers they didn't care about my freedom or my life.
How did I ended up like this? How?
Why is his happening to me? Why? Why again? Jeff has me as his prisoner, and he can do anything to me now. Why was I so afraid of him? I hated him, I feared him, I detested him.

"Help me." I said through sobs. Ben looked up at me, with a blank expression. "Please, let me go."

"The moment you try is the moment you die." His words instantly killed my hope.

No. No. No. No.
I can, I said to myself. I can still runaway. I tried to keep on hoping. To hold onto it.
I ran way from him once, and I could do it again. I can, I still can.
But it was useless. Every time I said I can, I knew I was lying to myself.

My common sense kept on shouting at me: no you don't. He will find you, and torture you again.

Jeff has a new toy, and it's you.

It was like a slap in the face. The hatred and regret I had store inside me was willing to come out as vomit from my body.


"Let me go! Please!" I pleaded but my cries were ignored.

I didn't want to accept the reality.

But my conscience got the best of me.

Face it Jane, you'll never be free again.
Once Jeff crosses on your path, you're cursed. And he will never let you go. He'll catch you like a cat catches a mouse, then let's it free, and captures him again.

He will play with me all the time, if I make it out alive. He will not let me go. He will not forget me. He will haunt me forever.

Do you actually think you have a chance to escape?

"Please, please. I wanna leave.." I said to none one as I cried. "There must be a way..."

"You heard him, you'll stay here." Ben said trying not to show remorse in his tone.

"But can you talk to him or something?" I pleaded to him while I sobbed more, the tears in my eyes were coming again and again. I couldn't stop. "Please I don't wanna stay here, please I'll do anything. But please don't make me live with him."
I wanted to runaway from him, I wanted to be death somehow. Anything was better but to being with that monster.

"Jane, once Jeff sees something he wants, he takes it and he owns it. He would never change his mind. You're his permanent possession." He said as he looked away, he wanted to ignore the pain that showed in my eyes.

I frowned. What? I'm his object? He owns me now?

I couldn't believe it. I was his dog now.

More tears welled in my eyes.

I take an incredulous gasp.

I'll never be home again, I'm his possession now.

LOVE YALL!! ❤️❤️❤️💕😍

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