"What did you do?" I asked in a whisper as he put a hand on my head.

"Your jaguar submitted to me, your blood alpha. How do you think I got Clarissa to stay with me when she found out who I was?" My eyes met his and I turned them green.

"My packs going to kill you." He pushed his power onto me and his eyes turned blue. I tried to fight him but he was to strong I felt my jaguar break and I cried out in pain.

"Phoebe!" Liam screamed and I wanted to call his name but I couldn't, I was a zombie.

I walked behind Sebastian as we entered the police department. "Who did you say you were looking for?" Hayden's sister asked?

"The mans name is argent." Sebastian said as I tried to find my jaguar. I never realised how much she meant to me until he took it away.

"Did you say argent?" Stilinski asked and I couldn't keep the fear off my face.

We walked into the office where Stilinski's phone went off. "I'm sorry my son likes to send me very long and confusing messages." Sebastian took a seat and turned to me.

"Take a seat Phoebe." My body had no choice but to comply.

"Maybe I should just turn the damn thing...." I raised my eyes to see he had a look on his face as he stared at the man beside me. "So," Stilinski said as he put his phone down. "You're looking for one of the Argents." I watched as Sebastian leant forward and tilted his head.

"You seem to know who I am. That means you know what I'm capable of." He said and the sheriff looked at me with concern that made me want to cry.

"Phoebe, are you okay?" I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Tears stung my eyes and the sheriff turned to Sebastian with anger. "You hurt this little girl, that's a serious crime."

"Your weapons maybe more sophisticated than the arrows and bullets of my time but they still won't kill me." The sheriff pulled out his gun and laid it on his desk, finger in the trigger and a face of anger and stone.

"I'm pretty sure a 9 millimetre beretta will do more damage than a 18 century musket." Sebastian looked at me and I knew what he wanted. My bottom lip trembled as I got to my feet and walked in front of him, in the direct line of the sheriff's gun. "Phoebe?"

I looked at Stilinski in the eyes and managed to mouth two words. 'Help me'. "What did you do to her?"

"I made her submit. She was a lot harder to do but I still did it. She's now under my will. I can walk out of this with my hands clean or, I can walk out with them drenched in blood. Your choice." He whispered. He got up from his seat while still behind me and waited.

The sheriff rose as Sebastian walked out of the room. I turned and followed having no choice Hayden's sister saw the sheriff's gun and got to her feet. "Sir."

"Clarke don't." Sheriff said as Sebastian turned to her, I stopped and waited. Half of me wanted Clarke to put a bullet in his head the other half, the half under his control wanted to protect him.

"Stop where you are." She said and Sebastian's eyes glowed and his canines came out as he growled.

"Let him go." The sheriff said as Clarke pulled out her gun and aim. I stepped in front of Clarke's barrel and she looked surprised just as Sebastian stepped around me and shots rang out. "No!" The sheriff screamed.

Hayden came in and so did Lydia, Sebastian turned to me and roared. I shook my head "no, no please." He roared harder and I stepped towards Lydia she looked confused. As my lip trembled. He roared one more time and before I knew it I was right in front of her. My lips trembled as my claws sank into her neck.

She screamed her banshee scream and I flew backwards into a walk. When it was over I looked at my blood covered claws then to Lydia who was on her knees, hands at her necks and blood pouring from the wound.

"Hayden," Sebastian said as I stared at Lydia. "Your name is Hayden." I turned to Hayden to see her fear then Sebastian who had his massive claws out.

"No!" I screamed and jumped onto his back, clawing at his face. He roared and swung me off before turning to me and holding me by the neck.

"You. Will do as I say! You are mine!" I felt myself going under his will and blood dripping from my nose. "You will watch and learn!" He screamed and turned to Hayden.

He took us to Theo laid where he thought the cain would be. "Where is it?" I looked at Hayden who was fine, he didn't attack her but took her as a hostage like me. She stared at Tracy's dead body. Theo killed her.

He threw another table as she closed Tracy's eyes. "I brought you here like you wanted, how about letting me go now?" Hayden asked he walked passed her and the the painting of the hellhound and beast.

I walked up beside him. "The demon to the left, what is it?" He asks as I watch Hayden pick up Tracy's Knaima venom.

"It's called a hellhound." I answer, taking every inch of my remaining will not to warn him. Hayden went to his other side, he he tilted his head to her and I was worried only to have him say.

"Parish. His name is Parish isn't it? The Argents will try and put the pike in his hands." She acted then only to have him catch her wrist and bend it back. I breathed hard and dug my claws into my hands.

"When did you young people, become so confident?" He asks as she dropped the can of Knaima venom. He put her against the wall and stabbed her, her yelp of pain brought back the memories of the dread doctors and how she was there for me. I fought against his once more, taking a step forwards he turned to me and growled again.

"You need to learn your place child." He turned and removed his claws from Hayden and used them to scratch my face. I remained standing so he scratched the other side of my face. "You are under my command!" I flinched and he roared I stood until I was shattered inside and that's where I fell to my knees.

Blood fell from my nose, ears and eyes. He crouched in front of me, stroked my hair like a father would. "Do as I say, and you won't get hurt. Okay?" I raised my head but didn't look him in the eye. I nodded.

"Okay." I whispered when the sound of argents ammeters pulled his attention from me. I looked over at Hayden and let a tear fall. "I'm," I croaked and she nodded.

"It's okay, it's okay." She said.

"Phoebe!" Sebastian, screamed and I went to his aid. Like a dog to his owner.


Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now