Werewolf Tracy, Not Friend

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~~Phoebes POV~~

"Ok, hands on the wheel at ten and two," Kira says to Malia who is in the drivers seat going to drive on the real road.

"Actually the recommended position is nine and three." Lydia said from the passenger side. "At ten and two a deployed could break your thumbs." We all nodded along as Malia stated the truth.

"Mine would heal." I smiled and leant forward, my head over the coyotes shoulder.

"Save your strength," the other two girls smiled as I continued. "Try not to destroy your beautiful new car."

"Nine and three," Lydia said again this time directing the girls hands into position. I noticed her hands tighten on the wheel. Taking a breath I closed my eyes and pulled at the power inside me. One of the tricks I learnt over six months was tapping into emotion and Malia was giving off powerful waves of fear and anger.

Reaching forward I directed a soothing motion of power to Malia by touching her shoulder. "You got this, you past junior math. How hard can this be?" She smiled at me and shook her head before turning the ignition.

"Alright, just ease into it." Kira said as Malia slow crept forward before building up speed. "Ok, good good there you go."

"Please shut up," Malia said as I felt her fear slowly creep up again only this time I didn't send it away from her. 'Fear can be a good thing Phoebe, it can keep people in check or can defeat a person and drive them over the edge,' my mother said.

"No problem, shutting up." The fox said.

"Ah, Malia?" I asked as we slowly started heading off the road. "Other way, Malia."

"Malia, please go the other way," the fox said just as the cars warning system kicked in and started beeping loudly.

"What is that? What is beeping?"

"The cars telling you not to run into a tree, turn the wheel." The banshee said calmly before seeing how close the tree actually was and yelled. "Malia!" The short haired brunette turned the wheel and I collapsed into the seat with relief only to feel us going in a continuous circle.

"Ok, sure this is called a u-turn." Kira said obviously better with continuous turning than running into a tree.

"You said turn the wheel." Malia stated.

"She meant turn the wheel so we don't hit a tree and ruin your new car." I stated. "Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas," before I finished the sentence we were speeding off down the abounded road.

"Turn up here," Lydia said and Malia did only she didn't slow. "Slowly, slowly," Lydia kept making suggestions before we finally made it onto the main road.

"Ok, anybody want to tell me where we're going?" Malia asked.

"The school, we can practice parking in the lot." Kira and I shared a look and I looked out the front twice before speaking up.

"Lydia, we're actually heading downtown." The banshee looked out the front confused.


"If we want to go to school we should do a u turn shouldn't wear?"

"No, keep going." The banshee said knowing it was pointless trying to fight herself.

"You sure?" Malia asked.

"Yes. We're almost there." We stopped in front of a black police van with three bodies sprawled out on the ground around it covered in blood. I watched as one man raised his bloodied hand to us. "Call nine one one," was all Lydia said as we stood around him.

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