The man of Gévaudan

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"Listen." We did hearing a single heartbeat.

"It's him." Liam said and opened the door running in. Scott stood back catching the door before running in, I took one more look at Theo before doing the same. "Mason."

Liam called as we walked down the stairs and rounded the corner. I saw him, sitting up against the tank that held the Nazi wolf. Liam and I ran to him and shook him but he didn't move. I saw a massive needle object sticking out of his neck and followed the tube to the nazi wolf.

"It's connected to him." Scott said as I stared into the lifeless white eyes.

"What is this thing?" I asked and turned to Theo who was just staring at the Nazi wolf.

"I don't know."

"Liam," Mason said in a trembling voice. "I can feel it. It's in my skull." I held masons hand and he gripped it so tight my fingers were going white.

"Don't move." Liam said.

"Careful." Scott said.

"What are they doing to him?" Liam said the Theo.

"I don't know." He replied.

"What if we break the glass and break the connection from the nazi?" I asked.

"We can't take that risk." Scott said. "Mason, we're going to get you out of here. Hold him still." He said to Liam. "I'm going to try to pull it out, let me know if it hurts."

He gripped it and pulled slightly causing Mason to scream. "It hurts." He said.

I took his pain and his breathing evened. Suddenly the sound of electricity turned Scott attention away from Mason and slowly so did Liam's and mine to finally Theo who turned to a dread doctor.

"They wanted us here." Theo said as I held Mason.

"Liam, Phoebe get that thing out of his neck." Scott said and I looked for something, some way to do it without hurting Mason.

"Theo, Theo Raken failure. Theo Raken." The doctor with the cain said.

"No, I'm not a failure." Theo said.

"Liam, Phoebe, just get out of here. Go." Mason said.

"Now isn't the time to tell us to bail Mason." I answered.

"Not a complete failure, we learned from you." It said.

"He's trying to get to you," Scott said. "Don't give them what they want. We can't beat them."

"The mark of a true failure repeating the same mistake again and again." I saw the look Scott gave Theo.

"We're taking Mason." Theo said. "Then I'm taking what's mine. Let him go."

"You have the entitlement and narcissism typical of your generation." The doctor said "in that you are a profound success." I watched as Liam pulled the needle again and Mason screamed.

"Scott I can't get it out, I don't know what to do." Liam said and Scott came to our side.

"But your failure taught us one thing. The banality of evil that you were and always be an ordinary evil."

"You think I'm ordinary?" Theo asked.

"We believed that to resurrect the perfect killer, we had to start with the perfect evil. From you we learned true evil only comes by corrupting something truly good." Scott turned to me and shook his head.

"Not something," he said and I turned to Mason putting a hand on his cheek.

"Someone." Theo turned and punched a dread doctor. Liam's face filled with raged joined in the fight and Scott ran after him. Liam got caught and was punched.

"Liam!" Mason screamed and I ran to my boyfriend jumping over the dread doctor and kicking the back of its knee. Causing him to fall on the ground.

It lost its grip on Liam but turned and punched me in the hip. I screamed as I felt it break and the pain filled my body. From somewhere far way I heard my name. I gripped my hip hard as I saw Scott come to my side.

"Phoebe." I said.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." I saw Liam get thrown to the ground and heard Mason screaming. I turned and watched as our friend pull the needle out of his neck.

"Transformation." The doctor said as smoke swirled around Mason. "Transformation without frequency."

"Mason!" I screamed and tried to get to my feet but my hip exploded in pain as I fell back against Scott.

"That's not, my name." Mason said in a not so Mason voice, his eyes the electric cold blue. As the smoke swallowed him up and revealed the beast in its smokey black and red veined formed.

We watched as the beast killed one dread doctor then beheaded the another. It scratched Theo as it pushed him aside and stood in front of the last doctor. "Success." Was all it said before the beast stabbed him and dragged him away.

Scott and Liam helped me to my feet as I groaned him pain as we exited the door. Scott dropped my arm and stared at the beast just as it dropped the last doctor and parish punched the beast. Argent came forward with a gun and shot round after round.

Liam held me up as my hip slowly healed. The beast disappeared in its shadows and emerged as a human covered in blood. However the human wasn't a black sixteen year old. It a a white man.

"La Bête Gévaudan, I know your name. Do you remember mine?"

"Argent." Sebastian said and ran with parish behind him.

"Who the hell was that?" Scott asked as Liam helped me to Scott and the two argents.

"You've seen the beast of Gévaudan, that was the man." Gerard said.

"Sebastian Valet." I said.


Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora