xxix || house of combinations

Start from the beginning

"I did, Mara. I just- I Unknowingly still liked Nina," Fabian tried to explain, but he wasn't really helping the situation at all.

"Save it," Mara snapped, placing her hand on the handle to her room, "Oh, and you can forget about me coming down to the chasm to help Nina's problem. I'm going to stay in my room and work on my problem," She then opened the door and walked it. When closing the door again, she left it a jar open, then muttered to Fabian, "Thanks for everything."

"What's with the sarcasm?" Patricia looked over to her, hearing when Mara said.

"Nothing," Mara quickly dismissed, "I'm going to get some sleep," She added.

Joy looked down to her watch, "It's 8:30."

"I'm just tired," Mara made up, "Have fun in the chasm."

Patricia and Joy both shared a look, before Joy spoke, "Right..."

Mara messed around with her bedsheets, she wasn't tidying them up or anything, just fiddling. She also wasn't saying a word to Patricia, or Joy, she just wanted to stay silent.

Patricia and Joy both shared another look, before Patricia looked over to Mara, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, okay," Mara snapped, "Sorry, sorry," She quickly followed up, "I'm just tired."

"Okay..." Patricia muttered, unconvinced.


Patricia and Joy crept out of their room at 10:30. Both of them then quietly walked down the stairs, trying to step as gently as possible to avoid creeks.

"Good to go?" Joy asked, as she spotted Fabian and Eddie walking out of their room. She then headed to the bread oven.

Fabian quickly grabbed hold of her arm, "We're not going that way, it's locked," He whispered.

"How are we getting in then?" Joy swung her body round.

"Out back," Fabian told her, "Through the trap door/window entrance."

They then all crept out of the house through the front door and round to the back.


"So..." Fabian began, once all 4 of them were down the chasm, "We need to cover 10,000 numbers here," He recapped.

"9999," Eddie reminded him.

"Right, 9999," Fabian muttered, "So if we have different slots. Each person gets through 100 numbers, then we switch."

Patricia walked further into the chasm room and sat down against a wall, "Sounds fun," She muttered sarcastically and unenthusiastically.

"Let's order it alphabetically, so; Eddie, me, Joy, then Patricia," Fabian instructed.

"It's actually; Joy, me, you, Patricia," Eddie corrected him.

"That's by surnames, I'm going by first names here," Fabian was quick to argue.

"Do it really matter whether it's by first of surnames?" Patricia interrupted, "I'm last either way, so..."

"Priorities," Fabian muttered under his breath, "Eddie - you start," He then slid his back down against the wall.

"Fine," Eddie mumbled, before walking over to the padlock, then beginning the process; 0001, pull, still locked. 0002, pull, still locked. 0003, pull, still locked...

Eddie released grip of the padlock, "Nothing," He announced, after trying all of his designated numbers, "Fabian, you're up."

Fabian followed what Eddie said. He walked up to the padlock and beginning inputting his 100 numbers, interspersing pulls after each number, to check whether it was that combination, or not.

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