Is it a regret?

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I started walking in my small town and realized that there was nowhere to go. Everything was the same, it was the same boring place I know since I moved here. I walked towards the bus station and check to see what time the next bus came to go to downtown. 10:30, I only got about 5 minutes or so to wait

After playing candy crush on my phone the bus finally came to a stop and I hoped right on. I paid for my ticket and picked my seat not too far from the door. There weren't many people on the bus. I saw a woman in her mid-50's reading some paperwork, a mother and their child and a guy about my age listening to music on his phone near me on the opposite side. I looked out the window wondering where I'm going to end up next. I just wanted to go somewhere that will make me forget about everything that has happened this past summer. I looked around to the other side of the windows of the bus and realized the guy beside me was staring but soon turned away when I noticed. I didn't think much of it. After 10 minutes colorful vibrant trees and clean streets turned grim and cold. That's how I knew we were downtown already.

I hopped off the bus and wondered around the trashed sidewalks and busy streets. I could see a bright neon side from afar. The closer I got I was able to read it, "The Rock Bar ". It caught my eye so I decided to walk in to see if it's anything special. I could see a long line that took about two blocks just to get into this bar. I cancelled my plan and just kept walking towards the bar. When I reached the entrance I took a little peak inside and it looked packed. I'm sure this is the place to go when you want to have a good time. When I walked a way I got closer to an alley. I turned to look and I saw a figure, a human figure. It was so dark I could really picture who it was. I did hear a whistle however.

"Hey you, come over here."

I stood still and pointed towards myself "who me?"

"Yah. You."

"No thanks I don't want to die today." I continued to walk away but I heard the same voice behind me

"No it's me from the bus."

I turned over and it was the same guy that was sitting by me

"I saw you were trying to get into that bar or at least just checking it out. The line is crazy huh?"

"Yah It really is, I was planning on going in to see what it's all about but it's not worth it."

"This bar is known to be one of the best bars in the city! I was trying to sneak in, wanna tag along?"

Did I really want to get into mischief? I don't even know this guy, he might truly want to kill me. I already had a lot on my plate but, on the other hand a little adrenaline sounded really good right about now.

"I guess, but have you done something like this before?"

"Oh yah, plenty of times. Bars, parties, even snatched up some drugs, you know." He flung his hand like it was no big deal

"Great, so you're like a junkie or something"

"I guess you can say that."

"Alright so what's your plan to get into this bar?"

"Well there's a window just up on the second floor that I can easily crack open, I just need a boost."

We both walked towards the alley way, quietly enough so no one can see us. When we got to the window I put my hands together and junkie stepped up and started to crack open the window.

"Keep watch." He said

"Sure thing." I looked around, my hands sweaty and heart pumping, I've never done anything like this before.

"Got it" he climbed though the window and reached his hand out to try to get me in, "shit your too far... oh just stay there I got an idea. Wait by the front of the line.

I nodded my head and did as told. After about 2 minutes I saw junkie walking past people towards the doors, he talked to the security guard in the front and then I was let in.

The music was blasting and everyone around seemed like they were having a hell of a time and a hell of a lot to drink already.

"What's your choice of poison my lady?"

"Anything strong." I said

"I see, looks like someone is trying to forget."

"Yah I guess so."

"You're in some deep shit?" he asked

"Sort of, it's complicated. But then again what isn't always complicated."

"Amen to that." Junkie handed me my drink and we kept talking

"What's your name by the way?" I asked

"It's Damion, yours?"

"Skylar, sky for short."


*three hours later*

One drink after another and next thing you know I'm drunk off my head dancing around feeling my surroundings. Oh how I'm going to regret everything. Everyone crowded on the dance floor drunk, high and who knows what else, all having a good time. Damion was also drunk and getting wild like everyone else in the bar. I felt someone grab my hand and lead down somewhere, it was Damion of cores. We were both laughing our heads off about nothing. We went up the stairs where they had a balcony leading in the dance floor filled with a bunch of chairs and sofas outside and bathrooms inside the rooms they had. We sat down on one of the couches and keep laughing and laughing in till it was stopped by our kissing that too did not stop.

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now