In love?

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Today was an odd day. The apartment filled the air with pin drop silence, something I haven't herd in months. Especially with Billie around he would always be making some sort of annoyance in the room, but today was different. I thought, well maybe he's just tried, or started growing a sadness from missing Adrienne. I didn't know what to do nor did I know where he was. I checked in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, even the cabinets, but nothing. Maybe he stepped out of the house, but he always told me where he was going. I began to worry more then I should have, I mean Billie is a grown man not a child, even though he can act like one.

I tried to call him but the dummy left his phone here so there was no possible way of reaching him. I hope everything is alright, he's never like this.

An hour passed and I was bored out of my mind as usual. Billie was god knows where doing something. I was lying down on my bed staring up at the celling. I turned my head and looked into the music room that was just across mine. With the door ajar I can see the bright red shade bursting out of the corner of my eye. I got up and took the guitar and opened up my window, which had a nice cozy spot to sit on top of a little roof. I carefully sat down with my guitar in my lap. The day was getting a bit gloomy with the fine drops of rain. You could hear the soft sound of the car passing by on the road, and the light breeze flowing through the sky. It was peaceful.

I started to strum a few cords just randomly, softly humming to myself. i felt a figure behind me but I knew who it was so I didn't even bother to look back. He climbed out of the window to the spot next to me and gazed at the earth. I kept strumming and humming to myself and Billie turned to face me. He spoke up.


"hmm." I said slowing turning my head in his direction.

He took a shaky breath and I was a bit worried, was he alright?

"Something has been stuck on my mind and I need the answer now." I was confused as to what he meant. I tilted my head needing more of an explanation, but no words were being said because he led down and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

I was shocked and a bit frightened, but I didn't end this moment. I kept going and I know I should have stopped it but I just couldn't. I melted into his lips and he tilted my chin up words and got closer to my body. Braking the kiss he said,

"Did you feel anything?"

And to be quite honest with you I did. But what if that's the answer he didn't want? Should I lie to him? But I couldn't it was the truth, the terrible truth and I've never lied to Billie before. Taking too long to answer I said, "Yah, I kinda did. How about you?"

"Crazy enough, yah."

My eyes widened, " so what does this mean?" I asked scared of what he might say next.

"I might be in love with you."

I froze, "w-what..?"

"I know it sounds crazy, trust me. I kept telling myself that all day."

"Yah where were you. I got scared something happened."

"I was just walking about, trying to clear my head. Sorry I should have told you."

"No its fine, at least your safe now."

"I'm always safe when I'm with you sky."

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now