How rude of me

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Now that it comes to mind, I didn't really introduce myself. Well..

Hey, I'm sky. That's not my real name nor a nickname. Some people think it has to do with my hair, but that's not the case. I would tell you the meaning behind it but I'm sure you'll be able to find out for yourself through out my, for a lack of a better word, journey.

I stand at 5'7, Pretty tall for a girl I know. I enjoy punk music, or pop punk, or alternative, or really whatever the fuck you consider it now and days. I live in an apartment and yes by myself. Currently in Pennsylvania for collage and sadly away from my family in new jersey.

I love photography and music of course. I play gutair, piano , and slightly good at vocals but I could do way better. No one has ever heard me sing before and I don't plan to.

I'm not your everyday social person. Although I love meeting new people I tend to get pretty shy in social situations. But I try to be antisocial as little as possible.

But, there you go. That's me in a nut shell. You might find out more about me later on.

Now your probably like, "I don't give a fuck about this bitch. When did you and Billie meet? How the fuck is he your "uncle"??"

Mahaha! The suspence is killing you is in it? Well, calm the fuck down children, I'll tell you.

It all started 4 years ago when I was just a wee 16 year old. My dad is actually really good friends with the band. He never told me in till 8 years of me listening to them. By surprise I met them and it was so rad!

Tre was hilarious, Mike was super sweet, and Billie was a goof ball but also pretty chill. I was super nervous to meet them and.... Let me just flash back.

*flash back*

My dad had his hands over my eyes. I didn't know what the heck was going on.

"Were are you taking me?" I asked for the hundreth time.

"Don't worry, you'll see." Which was the same answer I always got back

"Is it an animal!? A skateboard? A new gutiar!?" I was jumping with suspense.

I had my arms out trying to get a feel of my surroundings. I felt a face then hair.

"Ugh people." I said out loud

"Oh don't worry, you like these people." My dad responded

He took his hands away from my face and there they were. In flesh and all. My eyes widened and zero words came out.

"Holy shit." I whispered with disbelief.

They all laughed and came in for hugs. I couldn't believe it! I turned over to my dad and then back at them. I didn't know what to say or do so I just hid behind dad.

"Ha ha, she's a shy one." I gave my father a death glare. Thanks for embarrassing me.. I gave a small smile.

"Awe don't worry we don't bite. Well maybe Tre but you'll be fine." Billie said which made me laugh at his humor. Tre noded and went along with the joke.

"Well I have to go. You have fun with your buddies." My dad smiled and wave as he left.

Shit. I'm going to have a panic attack I just know it. I never told him that I get panicy when I'm super shy.I just took a deep breath and hoped for the best.

"Come on." Billie then grabbed my hand and we headed out.

"So I heard your into playing gutair." He said starting conversation.

"Oh yah. But only a little, I'm not that great at it."

"Well maybe I could help you."

"Yah. F-for sure." Fuck, here comes the studering.

There was an awkward silence. Tre and mike were walking infront of us having their own conversation. I tired to think of a topic to talk about, but of course nothing comes to mind. I guess I was shaking because..

"Hey, you okay?" Billie asked with concern.

"Yah. I'm just trying to think of something to talk about to make the situation less awkward." I said with yet again an awkward laugh.

A giggle escaped his lips, " there's no need to by shy."

I tired to look into his eyes but I couldn't I just looked away, and ended up shaking some more. Fuck my life.

"Look at me. What's wrong?"

I didn't answer. "You little shit. You just met the guy for the first time and your already acting like a stupid fucking reck. You worthless scum!!" I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Was the only thing I said. Tears spilled and I continued to shake. Tre and Mike stopped and came to see if I was fine. Next thing I new I was engulfed into a warm loving hug.

*end of flash back*

That wasn't everything thing that happened but, as you can see. Our first meet was not good, like at all!! But that was also the day I knew that they were loving and caring people and calling them my uncles just grew as our relationship got stronger.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that the sun was gone and the night had appeared. I headed home and then I got a call again.


"Hey kid. Me again."

"Geez wasn't I just speaking to you?"

"Its been 6 hours dumbass." He said jokingly.

Shit I've been gone for 6 hours.

" oh I didn't even realized. Ha ha."

"So you out of collage for the semester?"

"Yah for a couple days now. Why?"

"Just wondering."

It hurts to love you (Billie Joe Armstrong)Where stories live. Discover now