Prologue: Another Year at Hogwarts

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Author: Rinoaebastel

Prologue: Another Year at Hogwarts

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.
AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

September 1975

The train's clattering repeated with a familiar rhythm as he tried to find the girl he was searching for. He hadn't been able to find her on the platform. It'd been too crowded with happy families that came to say goodbye to their kids. Sometimes he envied them because his family was the opposite.

He'd had to come to the station alone every year except the first. His mother had dared to accompany him that first year and had suffered the consequences at the hand of his disgusting father.

He dreaded going back home every year. Having to abandon Hogwarts' relative peace for a house filled with screams, pain, and the sounds of his father striking his mother.

The smell of alcohol on his muggle dad's breath hit his nose along with the memories, and his stomach contracted for a moment. He was thankful that the year had just started and soon he wouldn't need his parents. He'd be free. He'd have his own house, a job, and a new robe. Maybe he'd have a cloak as well. He always loved how they moved with the wearer. His father would never spend money on clothing when alcohol was so much more to his liking.

A shiver ran down his spine and he tried to remove the image of his alcoholic father from his mind.

Now he had Lily.

He wasn't alone anymore.

He still found it a miracle that he could meet such a wonderful girl that understood him. They were neighbors and shared an ability to do magic. That had drawn them together when their families rejected them.

She was the only company he would seek. He hadn't managed to get out and see her in during the summer holiday, so he'd missed her.

Walking around the narrow corridor of the train, he looked in the different compartments. He saw some of his Slytherin mates, but he didn't recognize many people. It wasn't surprising considering he always preferred the company of a book.

After looking in several booths, and getting some strange looks from the people in them, he finally saw a girl with long red hair at almost the end of the wagon. When her face turned to the side, he could see how much she had changed and how pretty she'd gotten.

Though he saw her from where he stood, she had yet to notice him. A smile spread on his face. Maybe he could surprise her. Maybe she had missed him too.

He raised his hand with the intention to knock on the window, but he noticed that a few of the Gryffindor girls were glaring at him from the inside. His smile vanished.

He knew that look. Mockery, conceit, hate, disgust.

Then the whispering started and ever so often they'd shoot smirks at him, as if they were complicit in something that would bring grief upon no one but him. Lily looked at the window, and with a much too polite gesture, acknowledged him by bowing her head.

He could only bow back and remove his presence from the window as he regained his composure. He was disappointed but would wait to see if she sat up to greet him properly.

"Seriously, Lily, how do you stand his presence? The way he looks at you all the time is so creepy." He heard the muffled voice from the inside and closed his eyes as he refrained from punching the wall.

"Yeah! And don't forget that ugly face of his. It makes me want to vomit." His frown darkened as another girl pointed out the cruel reality of his appearance.

"You should be careful with that Slytherin stalker."

Grinding his teeth, he pushed away from the compartment wall and walked off, not wanting to hear more.

Stalker? He only wanted to share a tiny moment with his friend. Those girls were just insufferable and loved to mock him.

Every year this happened in some form or another.

What was wrong with wanting to spend time with his friend? If it were anyone but him, nothing would be wrong with it, but he was a disgrace in the eyes of all. No matter how many times he heard the jeering, the insults, or saw the hateful looks directed at him, he never got used to it. Being abused was never something one grew used to. He wished he could curse them for every single bit of pain he felt.

He found an empty compartment and entered it, closing the door hard enough that he could hear the door and window vibrating for a few seconds afterward.

He slumped on the seat and looked out the window at the green landscapes. Even if he was heading towards another form of torture, at least in Hogwarts he could use magic and learn.

He couldn't wait for it.

AN: This is just the beginning of a ride that I hope you like. If you have time, tell me what you think. And many thanks to my dear friend and Beta. This wouldn't have been possible without her.

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