Authors Note/Prologue

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Hey peeps! So this is a book that's been on here a while but got taken down so I'm guessing a few of you may have already read it. Thanks for reading! Ciao


My bedroom door creaks open but I don't look away from the ceiling.

"Kitten," A delicious voice sang and I sat up smiling when I saw my master leaning against the the door jamb.

"Hi Master," I said in a small voice and he motioned for me to come to him which I did. I climbed off of the bed and adjusted the short dress like nightie that Lynn had set out for me and went to him. Once I got there he smiled at me.

"Did you miss your Master?" He asked running a finger down my satin covered chest.

I nodded, "Yes sir."

"Would the Kitten like to walk around for a while?" He asked me and my small smile grew wider as I nodded.

"Please Master?" I begged and he tsked.

"Where you a good boy while I was away?" He asked me and I nodded again. "Did you touch yourself?"

"No Master. Only you can do that," I said remembering what he had told me when he first bought me.

"Good boy," He said and my heart did this weird little flutter thing. I love making him happy, it makes me feel good. "Let's get you out of this and I'll talk you on a walk, how does that sound."

Although he made it sound like he's walking an animal I was simply just excited to go outside, I missed the fresh air so much. Vic left me standing there and walked to my closet searching through it until he picked out an outfit that was actually relatively normal. It was still somewhat girly but I actually really like wearing them.

He came back to me with a white, flowy, spaghetti strapped dress and laid it down on the bed.

"Let's get you dressed Kitten," He said and pulled off my little nightie his eyes trailed down my body lingering on my lace panties. Vic dropped the lingerie nightie on the ground and helped me into the dress before handing me some TOMS.

"I'm not putting the leash on but you have to behave understand?"

"Yes sir," I said and he grabbed my hand making me squeal a little on the inside.

"Let's go Kitten," He said leading me out of my room and all the way to his spacious backyard. It was beautiful out here, he had this huge weeping willow with a cute swing on it as well as the biggest swimming pool I had ever seen but my favorite out of all of it was the garden.

It was absolutely amazing.

"Master," I said quietly and he hummed in response letting me know he was listening. "Can we go walk around the garden?" I asked him fully expecting him to say no or something but surprisingly he nodded.

"Let's go," He said walking in that direction. It kind of worried me that he's being so nice to me especially since the last time I thought he was being nice I ended up dealing with sharp prickly hairs and razor burn in my privates. I realized then that he just liked seeing me uncomfortable, especially since it itched really bad and I'm not allowed to touch down there unless I'm going to the restroom or something of that sort. I just couldn't figure out his angle here but when I saw the garden up close I didn't even care.

"It's so beautiful," I said softly as I looked around.

Vic let go of my hand and walked to a bench, "You can walk around for an hour." He informed me before relaxing and pulled some black sunglasses out of his suit pocket and put them on. I walked around the garden looking at all of the flowers and soaked in the warm sun. Today was a really nice day, it wasn't too hot and it was too cold it was just right. After a while I got bored of walking around and went back to my master who was talking to someone on the phone looking irritated.

Master {Kellic} [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now