Tour Shenanigans (Ashton)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

     You looked over at Calum. He was sitting on corner of Ashton's drum platform, looking extremely bored. You turned back to Michael. "Actually I think I'd like to play the bass. Calum never gets to have anyone play bass." At the sound of his name, Calum glanced up at you with a smile.

"What do you mean you want to play the bass? No one ever comes on stage and wants to play the bass." Michael replied.

"Are you sure about that, or is just because you don't give them the option?" You asked, sticking your tongue out at him.

Calum jogged over, microphone in hand like there were actually other people in the audience. "I never get to do this!" He cheered happily. "Have you ever played bass before?" He asked you.

"When you shoved it into my arms and made me learn a few things yeah."

"Alright then." He answered, lifting his bass over his head and handing it to you. You took Calum's precious baby and slid on the guitar strap. Because Calum, like the other boys, were extremely tall, the bass was nearly down to your knees. "Here." He said, getting down on one knee. "I'll hold it for you." He lifted the instrument just the slightest so it was playable for you.

"Thanks." You replied as you took the pick he handed you.

"No problem. Now hit us with some Rejects." He exclaimed.

"I don't think I remember how to play Rejects though." You answered as you slid your fingers up and down the fretboard, placing your fingers in several different places to see if any of them were familiar. No luck.

"Come on Y/N!!" Calum whined. "Rejects is literally the only song I taught you. How could you forget?"

"I'm offended." Luke said. "The one song you learned was one of ours and you forgot it."

"Shut up Luke!" Michael yelled at him. "You're breaking her concentration."

"You got this sis!" Ashton yelled from his drum kit.

"Come on Y/N. You can do it." Calum said with an encouraging tone.

You slid your fingers up and down one last time, but nothing was ringing any bells. "Can you at least show me the first note?" You asked.

"Sure." Calum replied, guiding your hand to it. "And then the second ones here." He said pointing to it.

You moved your fingers back and forth between the two positions before slowly moving your fingers to a third. "I think that's right." You said looking down at your finger placement.

Calum smiled. "You got in Y/N! It's all in the muscle memory!!" You found yourself moving your fingers threw more times. "Take it away, Y/N. I think you got it."

"Are you sure?" You asked.

"No one here is going to judge if you mess up." Calum promised.

"Except for me." Michael exclaimed. "I'm totally going to judge you if you fail."

Calum rolled his eyes. "You can do it." You breathed out a heavy sigh and started playing.

In the end, you had to go way under tempo, like snail speed slow, but you still managed to get through what Calum had taught you. "That was awesome!" He exclaimed when you finished, springing up to hug you.

"Good job Y/N!" Luke said, high-fiving you.

You walked over to Michael with a smirk. "Still judging me?"

"Yes, very much so." He replied, as he plucked a guitar pick offs of his mic stand. "But for coming in stage with us, I'd like to give you this guitar pick." He handed it you.

You rolled your eyes as he placed t in your hand. "I'll just add this one in with the other ones I have from every other night I've been dragged up here."

"Don't say that Y/N. Do you know how many people would KILL to have one of my guitar picks?"

"Yeah, whatever." You said, starting to walk off the stage.

"You know what? I want Y/N as our bassist she's better than Calum is!!" Ashton said.

Calum scoffed. "She may have remembered that one song but can she do this?" He asked. He launched into the bass line of English Love Affair as you, Michael, and Luke laughed.

"Stop being such a show off." Your brother complained, throwing one of his drumsticks at Calum.

The drumstick hit on the side of the head. Calum stopped playing and rubbed the spot where he was assaulted. "Rude."

AN: Thanks for reading!!

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