Chapter 25

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Melody POV

We were driving to the town Duke's mother was being held in and I just couldn't believe how my life did a complete 360. I wasn't going to say anything to Duke about it, but so much has changed since I found out he was my mate. I can't help but wonder if it would have been different if he wasn't my mate or if we never ran across each other when we did.

He's perfect for us my wolf decided to butt in but instead of answering I just choose to block her. There's no denying that Duke is perfect for me, he's my soul mate. But it doesn't change the fact that all of this drama followed after I met him. Before finding a mate, my life was pretty average, other than Lauri forcing me to go to parties with her.

Now here we are on our way to break his mom out this place. Then head back to the pack and fight his dad, punish Blair and lead a pack.

"Hey, are you sure you're ok with this?" Duke asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Of course, your mom doesn't deserve to be there," I said honestly.

He nodded and kept driving. I meant what I said, his mother deserved to be out that place. How the alpha could have done all of this and nobody ever knew or tried to stop him is crazy.

"Was this always your plan?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Duke asked.

"Well, I mean was this always your plan coming back becoming alpha, and freeing your mom."

"Ya, that's how it was supposed it go. I didn't plan on finding my mate this soon though or having to kidnap her but life has a strange way of working out for me. But I couldn't have been happier, I'm glad I found you when I did, though." He said and I realized at that moment just how hard Duke had it, growing up with a dad like his.

While I was privileged enough to be raised in ignorance, he had to deal with a father that obviously loved to force alpha commands on people even his son.

"I'm glad we met when we did also, I couldn't have asked for a better mate now let free your mom and make your dad pay," I said before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Note: Happy New Year!!! Here's to finishing this story in 2017...

2017 goals

1. Finish Reject and kidnapped

2. Release a short sequel for Ariel and Parker ( My brother's mate )

3. Release my 2nd werewolf story on (The Alpha Luna- It was suppose to go like this, first he rejects her then she would run away and he could mate with the person that would produce him with the strongest heir. But rejection made her stronger and instead of running away she would be his downfall.)

p.s sorry this was so short but I have to go out, kinda didn't schedule things correct so I ran out of time.

Reject & KidnappedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora