Chapter 4

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I really want to say the day started off with ease but dealing with Lauri that has never happened so this morning shouldn't have surprised me.

From the multiple outfits, she tried on, the makeup and the annoying habit of swiping food out my hand and replacing it with some clothing or a makeup brush.

My stomach grumbled from thinking about the breakfast I missed this morning. I couldn't wait till we got there so I can pig out, and of course, we couldn't be on time on early, no according to Lauri we had to be 30 mins late.

"We look so good, I can't wait to get there. Hopefully some visiting pack member from the other packs will be there and we can find our mates." Said Lauri happily

"Ya sounds like the highlight of my night, super excited"

"I heard of dying rogues that were more excited than that tone of voice you used. "She said while shaking her head and scowling at me, so I stuck my tongue at her and heard her giggling beside me.

We get there and the place is already packed, I could hear the music and laughter of the pack member.

"Come on let's go," said Lauri grabbing my arms and rushing me out the car.

What is up with everyone grabbing me and dragging me around like a doll, I thought although I say nothing to Lauri about it.

"Ok first let's walk around and see if we can find any new guys" said Lauri while she scanned the crowded back yard.

"How about you start without me, I'm going to grab something to eat and then check in with my mom's first then I'll come find you" I said to her and start moving towards the table of food before she could convince me otherwise.

With a plate full of deliciousness, I scanned the back yard for a quiet place to eat and found none. Taking my plate I decide to go inside instead, the Alpha's have an amazing library and I know for a fact no one would be there.

I managed to get to the library with little to no interruptions, a couple of waves was the most. Its times like this I'm happy I'm not popular, I thought to myself (me too) said my wolf.

As soon as I got into the library, I put my plate down and decided to find a book to go with food. It smells funny in here I thought, after taking a small sniff of a cheap perfume masking another smell I couldn't pinpoint.

I found my book and took it back to my food.

Halfway through the 5th chapter and down to just my drink, I felt my wolf pacing back and forth in my mind. This had me a bit worried, I decided to smell to see if anybody was in the room with me and caught a new smell.

It smelled like wild strawberries and a hint of something else.

"You're not supposed to eat in here," said a male voice behind, I barely had a chance to register what he said before I elbowed him in the nose and jumped on my feet ready to fight.

"What kind of welcoming is this?" I asked the guy and I had to notice his voice was really smooth, it actually calmed me down a bit for some strange reason.

"No what's wrong with you? Who do think you are? Huh" I yelled at him

"Lower your voice, I'm a wolf and you can call me Duke. I hate introducing myself as the future Alpha" said Duke

Wait, Duke as in this whole event is for Duke, I mentally screamed to myself.

I quickly bowed my head and started apologizing, "I am so sorry Alpha Duke ".

"Please call me Duke and stop apologizing, I shouldn't have scared you like that and please look at me no need to bow, "he said and it sounded like he was teasing me.

I looked up and was faced to face with a handsome guy, I see why everyone was batting eyelashes at this guy I thought.

He had what looked like a honey brown color low cut hairstyle and the most interesting gray eyes I have ever seen and let not get into the rest of his face or his from what I can tell toned amazing body. He probably has a 6 pack underneath there I thought and instantly felt my cheek turning red from the embarrassing thoughts going through my head.

"Done checking me out beautiful? "He asked

"Excuse me"

"You should just take a picture, it'll last longer" this time he has a smirk on his face and a teasing glint in his eyes, my heart rate increased just from seeing that.

"I rather not," I said quickly hoping to distract him from my heart.

"Your lost, I got plenty pictured earlier when you were eating and the way you ate that burger,"

Before he even finished his sentence I had to interrupt him "you took pictured of me" I was shocked and all he could do was shrug his shoulders and nod his head.

"Why? I know you're the Alpha and all but that's creepy. Who takes pictures of someone without their permission? "I asked him.

"Ummm let see.... how about your mate"

What the hell I screamed in my head, what is wrong with Duke and why is my wolf still acting jumpy I thought.

"I'm not your mate"

"Oh is that so?"

In the span of him saying those 4 words, he was standing so close to me I could smell his breath and I felt as if my heart was going to jump out my body the way it was moving so fast. My wolf was now jumping with joy and howling as if she was calling someone.

What is going on? I asked my wolf and instead of getting a response I felt Duke's soft lips on mine.

The moment his lips touched my mines I felt the tingles and my wolf practically yelled (mate!) in my head. Instead of processing this information, I gave his tongue access to my mouth and tilt my head back to allow him to kiss along my neck and hard as a try a moan escape my mouth.

"Your mine, mate " he whispered in my right ear causing me to smile.

I found my mate, I thought happily before pulling away from our make-out session only to have him hug me.

"I finally found you" he whispered one more time

"I'm, we're, mates. You're really my mate" I said more to myself but Duke heard me because I could feel him smiling in the crook of my neck.

《Un edit a.k.a raw copy. So any thoughts on the first 4 chapters so far? 》

How many of y'all won a cookie for guessing that Duke was her mate? ☺

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