Chapter 3

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"Are you excited about Saturday?" Lauri asked me for the third time this morning.

"I'm more excited for graduation than Saturday" I muttered

"Stop being a party pooper, you're going to get a chance to see Duke. I hope he asks me to dance with him."

"Oh my god, we have to go shopping. I need something new for Saturday." Shrieked Lauri

"Hey keep it down over there" said a teacher who heard Lauri screaming.

"Look you don't need to go shopping, it's just a pack BBQ. Plus Duke has been gone for the past 4 years, so anything you wear will look new to him" I said without looking at her.

Graduation was like 2 months away, I needed to book my ticket for New York. I'm planning on spending the summer out there, before coming back to start college.

"Ughhh, why don't you ever listen to me? Huh, I'm going through something right now and my best friend is ignoring me." Said Lauri with a pout, no wonder we're best friend's she's an older version of Ariel I thought.

"Come here and get a hug. How about I make it up to you by spending the night over on Friday, so I can help you get ready for Saturday." I said

"Yay you're the best, I love you so much Melody" she whispered while hugging me.

"I love you too, now let's get to class".

The week flew by fast, between school and training I was dead tired but I did promise Lauri I would spend the night over. She'll probably keep me up all night, talking nonsense (so much for sleep) said my wolf.

"Mom I'm leaving," I said before heading out with my overnight bag.

"Ok well you girls have fun, don't stay up too late talking with Lauri. You need to look you best when you meet Duke tomorrow "she said before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Duke this, Duke that, I am so tired of hearing about him. How long before he's old news? (Never) my wolf answered. Are all wolves this quiet? I mean you barely hold a full conversation with me, why. (I am exactly what you need me to be, nothing else) answered my wolf.

What do you mean by that?

Silence and after 15 mins of sitting in the car waiting for my wolf to respond, I realize she wasn't going to say anything.

"Oh well, nothing new here," I said to myself before pulling the car into drive and driving to Lauri's house.

"Melody, about time you got here. Come on you got to help me pick out an outfit" The first thing I heard the moment I stepped out the car and closed the door.

(It's going to be a long night) said my wolf

I couldn't agree more.

The night flew by fast, I helped Lauri picked a chic outfit and she complained about my choice of outfit for tomorrow. We ate and went over our makeup choice for tomorrow, overall it was fun. Sleepovers at Lauri's are usually fun. Now we're both we're laying down on the floor getting ready for sleep.

"Hey Melody, do you think I will find my mate?" Whispered Lauri in the dark

"Ya I would hope so, you deserve it"

"Do you ever think about what your mate will be like?" she asked

"I think everyone thinks about that, I do it sometimes" I whispered the last part.

"Really, no offense but I would have never thought. I mean you don't ever talk about mates or anything romantic."

"Not much to say about it," I said with a shrug.

"Well, maybe you should try dating again. Just hear me out first, I know your last 2 relationships didn't end so well. But I feel as if you should give it a try again, I mean third times the charm" she said.

I thought about what she said and although it didn't bother me, I still didn't want to talk about my past relationships or any future ones.

"You know what you're right Lauri"

"Really I am, Yay I'm glad you agreed because I know someone that would be so perfect for you," she said cutting me off my sentence.

"Let me finish, you're right the third time is a charm and I'm going to save that slot for my mate. I doubt he'll disappoint me." I said

"That my biggest fear actually. Having my mate let me down, I wish I was like you and I could just believe he won't let me down. But sometimes I feel as if it'll just a repeat of my parent's relationship.

"You are not your parents Lauri, the mistakes they made you've learned from it and I can't guarantee the type of mate you'll get but I can tell you that it won't be like your parent's relationship because you are nothing like them," I said to her hoping to emphasize just how much I believed in what I said.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I heard "thanks, I needed that".

That's the last thing I heard before falling asleep with a smile on my face.

《Not edited. But I will be writing book 2 on, starting this Friday. I'll add it here after I finish this Reject and Kidnapped》

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