Chapter 1

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Every single person on this planet craves acceptance, we all want another person to look at us and accept us as we are and eventually love us because of it. Like any other person out there I was no different although I did have slight advantage over the majority of the population.

It's more of a benefit that comes with being able to change into a slightly bigger than normal size brown wolf. What can I say knowing that for fact I had a soul mate out there? Someone who would accept me and love just for being me, made it so much easy for me to be myself.

I was the girl that did as she please, I dyed my hair blue once well just because, I had a tattoo somewhere on me, and I dressed comfortably. Don't get me wrong I'm not some rebel chick or anything, actually outside of my best friend Lauri I was a good girl, a geek some might even say. I wore glasses because believe it or not just because our wolf had perfect vision does not mean we also had perfect vision, but I didn't care after all I have someone out there who's going to accept all of this and still love me.

"Melody, did you hear me?" Lauri yelled shocking me out of my deep awesome thoughts.

"Sorry I was in lala land, what were you telling me?"

"Duke is home, and he is so sexy. You should have saw him yesterday, he came into the cafe and Alexandria fainted."

She stopped and giggled "you should have seen it, and everybody was so caught up in him being back we didn't even notice her until he said something. He's changed so much, but in a good way. "She finished and grabbed my arms to her chest and held it over her heart while she stood there with a goofy grin on her face.

"Snapped out of it Lauri, I need my hand back" I said before I bust out laughing.

"Oh my bad, stop laughing. If you saw him you would not be laughing."

"I believe you" I said and started walking to class.

Duke Forrest, future alpha of our pack was back. I can only imagine how crazy the girls are going hoping that's their mate. Me personally I'm not sure I want an alpha mate, too much rules and when the last time you saw an alpha female with blue hair, (never) said my wolf.

Yup never I agreed and that reminds me I need stop by and pick up some hair color, time to add some spice to my life and go blue again I thought.

"Hey where are you going?" Lauri yelled at me

Huh what is she talking about now?

"You walked pass the class, what is going on in that mind of yours today?" Lauri asked me

"Just thinking about dyeing my hair again" I said and walked in the class and took a seat next to Lauri.

By the end of class and the day I was ready to blow my ears off, all day long and in every class it was Duke this, Duke that, OMG Duke. The guy did not even attend our school and yet hearing all this talk about him was annoying me, especially some of the things the girls mentioned they were planning on doing with him, nasty.

"Melody is that you sweetheart? " my mother asked the moment I walked in the house. Which now that I thought about it was dumb, she a wolf so she can smell who was it, so why even ask but it's better to go along with then to hear her yelling at me for not answering.

"Yes mom"

"Great, well how was school?" She asked walking over and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Same old same nothing special"

"Well something big happened while you were at school over here" she said with excitement.

Before I even got a chance to answer "Duke Forrest stopped by and you should see how handsome he is. He was so polite and Ariel absolutely loved him. I wish you were home, you probably would of faint like Alexandria did yesterday and I would of have the funniest story to tell your mate "she said in almost one breath.

"Wow mom, really" I said before I bust out laughing. Mom is always looking for stories she can use to embarrass me when I meet my mate.

I followed her to the kitchen, while she continued to talk random stuff. My mother, I and my little sister looked like the exact carbon copy of each other at different stages, it's actually creepy.

We all had the same wavy black hair, emerald green eyes, and round face. The difference came in our heights, mom was petite about 5'4, whereas I took after my dad and was about 5'9 chances are my sister would probably be tall also.

Which reminds me where the little diva at is, I thought.

"Hey mom where's Ariel?"

"She's at Jordan's house. In another hour I'm going to need you to go pick her up and drop these cake at the alpha's house."

"Sure no problem, is that why Duke came over?" I asked

"Yup, heard I make the best strawberry cheesecake and wanted one for his first night home"

I just nodded my head and went straight upstairs to my room. Hopped in the shower and as soon as I got done passed out on my bed still in the towel.

《Let me know what you think of Melody?

What's going to happen when Duke and Melody meet up for the first time? 》

Hope you guys like it so far, and understand that this hasn't been edited so it will have grammatical errors and if you like the story follow me also. ☺

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