Chapter 29

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I wasn't planning on leaving, but I couldn't sleep and I don't know what to do right now. Everything is falling apart, how could I have been so naive, what kind of mother and friend am I. I've let them all down, "Danielle I'm so sorry" I cried.

If it's the last thing I do I'll make sure you pay for this Brad, you'll get what's coming to you.

Staring at his house, I wished I had the power to burn it down right now. Burn down all the pain and memories that house held in but with that, the truth would also disappear.

The truth, the truth, that what I need to do. I need to expose him, so everyone can see the truth, that alone will kill an egotistic like Brad.

"Mom, mom what are you doing here?" Ariel called out to me before grabbing my arms.

"You can't confront him, mom you just can't. You promised, right now you're not thinking correctly and dad is going crazy looking for you. Let's go home please" I heard her say softly.

"I miss them so much, Danielle and Melody " I whispered.

"I know mom, I know let's go before someone sees us out here. We're going to find a way to bring them home, so please don't cry."

All I could do was nod, my little girl, my youngest was handling this situation 10 times better than me.

I turned around but out the corner of my eyes, I noticed a shadow in the forest behind the Alpha's house.

"Is that Blair?" Ariel asked, noticing the same thing.

"What is she doing out there?"

"I don't know but after everything, you told me it can't be anything good. Let's go before she notice us" I said. Everything was giving me a bad feeling and my wolf senses were screaming danger.


I got mom home ok and disappeared into my room, I need a moment alone. It's too much going on, dad is now watching mom like a hawk, Melody is still missing, mom is about to lose it any day now and the alpha is doing some weird shit with Blair.

I didn't even realize I was crying until my phone rang and I couldn't see who was calling.


Is he worried about me?

"Hello," I said.

"I can feel that everything is not ok, please Ariel tell me what's going on. I don't care what it is, I'll do anything to help you, please. My wolf and I almost lost it when you hung up the phone on us, so no more jokes tell me what's going."

I don't know if it's the way he was talking to me or the fact that he sounds genuinely concerned. I don't even know when Parker became the person who I could count on for comfort, but yet here he was.

The tears started pouring out and I couldn't stop, "everything is so messed up Parker, I just want somebody to hug me and tell me everything is going to be ok."

"Give me a couple of hours and I'll be there. I'll be there and I'll give you all the hugs you need and want, just wait for me" Parker said.

"No, no, you don't need to do that. I'll be ok, it's just so much going on at once with Melody getting kidnapped, my mom is losing it, my dad is busy between keeping an eye on her and helping with finding Duke. I just needed this cry, so stay, find Melody and find your mate. Just talking to you has helped me calm down, so you don't have to do anything extra." I said after wiping my face clean of tears, I didn't want to cause Parker any trouble.

"Huff, I'm sorry I can't do that, right now nothing is more important to me than seeing you and giving you that hug. I promise you that Oliver and Lauri will find your sister, but I already book my flight back. I'll see you around 1 am, meet me in the treehouse behind your house" Parker said before giving me a chance to respond.

"Why do he care so much?" I whispered.

*** Short chapter, getting back in the groove of writing again and finally finishing this story like I promised y'all almost 2 years ago lol***

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