Chapter 14

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Hampton:"You've been on your own since you were six? Why did you leave, why didnt you turn yourselves in?"

Anita:"Alex, didnt want us to be put in an orphanage,  he didnt want to risk us being split up. We didnt know we had any other family. We've just been living on the streets most of our lives. Stealing and robbing food markets. We eventually stopped because we had an ally."

Hampton:"An ally? Who?" I smirked a little the memory.

Anita:"Alex would always tell me to stay put while he went out to find us food and entertainment. He was very social and even met a "friend". They became very close and alex told him our situation. His friend, parker helped us and would give us food everyday,  before and after he went to school. Lucky enough for me parker had an older sister and would give me her old clothes."

Hampton:"And this parker, was he-"

Anita:"dating alex? I think so, but alex always denied it, even though I saw them kiss a hundred times." I giggled remembering alex's stubbornness."

Hampton:"How did parker respond to alex being in a coma?" My eyebrows scrunched in thought.

Anita:"Come to think of it, I dont even think he knows. I havent seen parker since the day before the incident.  Infact alex was on his way to parkers house when he ran into those guys...."

Hampton:"And you haven't seen alex, for two years?"

Mistress:"The orphanage was all the way across town, and its not like I could just tell someone to drive me there." He stared at me for a second.

Hampton:"Lets go, where going to see alex. "

Mistress Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang