Chapter 9

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Mistress:"He just wont mind his business,  its frustrating."

Sebastian:" I bet, the bloody prat did the same with me, but I figured out his weakness." He said smugly. "And hes hated me ever since."

Mistress:"What is it?"

Sebastian:" A few years ago, someone very close to him died...."I watched him intrigued."His brother"

Jesse:"Alright, time to go mistress."

Mistress:" In the gameroom?"

Sebastian:"Of course my dear."I smiled and stood up to be hand cuffed.

* * *

Mistress:"Next time not so tight alright."

Jesse:"Your not the boss of me." He joked.

Mistress:" I dont want to be." I sad cringing.

Mr.Spint:"Mistress,  if you will." He pointed to the chair, I was supposed to be laying on.

I did so, as soon as jesse closed the door.

Mr.Spint:"So I take it you dont want to talk about your parents and I simply wont force you. Infact lets talk about...your hat, do you always wer it?" I sighed and groaned.

Mistress:"Yes, it makes me mistress."

Mr.Spint:"Have you gone by mistress your entire life?"

Mistress:"No..." I spoke not liking where this was going.

Mr.Spint:"So, why mistress? Why did you chose mistress,  what does it mean?"

"Alex....what was mom like?" He sighed.

"She was very mysterious. You never knew what she was up to or what was going on in her head. I just remember being really confused by her, but she always smiled. When guest came people always called her miss or mistress. She said dont trust everyone. Give your name and heart to those you trust or You"ll get hurt."

"What about dad?"He smiled.

"Dad always worked hard, but he always had fun. He took his job very serious even though he was the "office clown". Everyday when he went to work he would take me with him to his closet and ask me which top hat went with his outfit. Mom loved them."

" Your wearing a top hat! Was it dads?!"

"This is the one I took from the house that night............yes it was dads. Do you wanna see it anita?" I nodded quickly wanting try on dads hat for the first time, since alex always wore jt.

Mr.Spint:"Mistress? You zoned out on me again......Are you alright?"

Mistress:"Yes, im fine.."

Mr.Spint:"Do you want to end the session here?"

Mistress:"Its fine, im okay...What was the question?"

Mr.Spint:"Why did you chose the name mistress?"

Mistress:"Someone......someone very dear to me was called mistress, I simply chose it to honor." I said as if it was no big deal.

Mr.Spint:"Were you very close to that person?"

Mistress:"No, I dont have many memories with was just an old friend." I said to throw him off. I dont need him thinking it was my mom then running off to hampton.

Mr.Spint:" Really?" He scribbled on his clipboard. " said you haven't always gone by mistress,  when did you start?"

Dont cry.....dont cry......dont cry

"Look what we have here boys, its the faggot."

"What  do you want chris?" Alex said stand tall against three boys.

"Oh, look who thinks hes so tough. Lets just see how tough you are, pretty boy." He said cracking his knuckles. I ran from behind the building behind alex.

"Need your sister to save you, do you?" Quickly he snapped his head around back at me.

"Anita what are you doing here? "

"Come on lets go." I pulled his arm, but he was yanked out of my grasp.

"Your sisters pretty, aye alex? Whats your name miss?"

"Leave her out of this or I swear ill beat you blue."

"Alex..." One of the boys threw an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest.

"What are you gonna do about it gay boy?" Alex pushed me away and punched the guy in his face. The other boys pulled him off throwing him down.

"Anita run!"

"Im not leaving you!"

"Anita run!" Stupidly listening to him, I ran. I kept going until I got to our hideout, blocks away.

I waited for him for a long time. I waited and waited nervously. 

Giving up I walked back to where I last saw him. Halfway there I saw him and one of the boys fighting in the street. The boy sat on alexs stomch beating him up. Panicking I looked around for some type of weapon. I found a really thick branch and planned to whack some brains out. Walking into the street I heard a sceeching sound and turned my head. A car came speeding down the street. I backed up to the side walk and looked at alex.

"ALEX!" I screamed.  They stopped fighting and turned their heads. Watching the car the boy on alex got up, pushing him down and ran. As soon as alex stood up......he was hit.

"ALEX!" I screamed loud enough for the entire block to notice and walk outside. I ran into the street and held him crying violently.

"Anita....I-i love you."

"I love you too, alex. Dont leave me alone......Its okay, your gonna be fine, we're gonna be find......Dont leave me alone. Your all I have. Alex?" I looked down at his pale, cold, almost lifeless body. "Alex..." I cried into his chest, hearing an ambulance in the distance.

Coming back to reality I realized someone was rubbing my back, mr.spint. I was crying terribly hard. I stood up quckly and wiped my face.

Mr.Spint:"Its okay to mistress."

Mistress:"It was tears of joy,  I was thinking of a happy memory. " No one will ever know how much it pained me to say that.


Mistress:"Session dismissed,  see you tomorrow. " I ran to the door and knocked on it. Waiting for jesse to open it I turned to mr.spint remembering his question.

Mistress:" I was 14.........not a word to hampton." I glared.

Mistress Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora