Chapter 6

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I looked around the game room.  In the back of the room was a tv in the corner and a long colorful rug. To the right was a long table with many different board games and puzzles. To my left was a row of chairs that faced each other. In the room, it was at least 5 people in here, not including their personal guards.

Sebastian:"Decided to show up, did you?" I turned to look at sebastian behind me.

Mistress:"Yup, and now that I'm here, what is it you want?" He pulled me to the row of chairs and sat across from me.

Sebastian:"You intrigue me. And you dont seem to belong here."

Mistress:"I don't and you dont either. Infact no one belongs in here. Why did they bring you here?"

Sebastian:" I'll show you why." He grabbed my wrist and led me over to the door, getting the attention of all the personal guards in the room. We stayed there for a moment before running out the metal door. Immediatly we were chased down the hall. Once we reached the corner of the hall a bunch of guards came from that direction. I turned around, but guards that were near the game room were running towards us.

Sebastion:"Bloody gits. This way." He opened another door and ran down the stairs. This feels like deja vu.

"Eh? Get over here!" Alex laughed as he ran off with a basket of fruit. I giggled running close behind him. 

"Quickly anita,  through here." We ran into an alley and  behind a large dumpster.

"Shh."He smiled as I giggled behind him. We waited for the footsteps to die down before enjoying our treat. Alex says stealing is bad unless you need it more than the person your stealing it from. He says it's best to give than recieve anyway.\

Smiling I ran down the stairs with sebastian. He grabbed my waist and pushed into a closet and cracked the door a little. Guards ran past the closest and out the next door.

Mistress:"So your a rule breaker huh?"


MIstress:"Not at all." I smirked

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