Chapter 18

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I stared at Alex as he waited on the porch.

Anita:" It's okay.....just knock." He took a deep breath and eventually did.

Alex was about to knock again when the door opened. A boy about alex's age stepped out , but paused when he saw us. He turned and yelled  into the house,"Parker! You were right, someone did knock!"

Parker:"Who is it?"

"I don't reconize them. It's a boy and a girl." Once Parker came running downstairs, the boy left.

Parkerr:"Uhh, can I help you?" Parker was looking good, i mean he was always good looking but now he was beautiful.

Alex:"Parker......." Alex leaned forward and threw his arms around parkers neck." I missed you so much!" Parker looked at me absolutley shocked and confused. He slowly put his hands on alexs waist and pushed him away.


Alex:"Do you- do you remember me?"

Parker:"I'm sorry......Did we like...go to school together or something?" Alex shook his head quickly making his hair fly.

Alex:"I didn't...I didn't go to-....I'm sorry." Alex wiped his face and ran off.

Anita:"Wait!..." I looked back to parker who scratched the back of his head as he watched alex take off down the street. His eyes met mine and he gaped.

Parker:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Anita:"Don't worry about it, really. He'll be.....I should go." I took off down the street after alex.

*  *   *

I sat in alex's lap and rested my head on his shoulder as he looked out the window with tear stained cheeks.

Anita:"Are you alright?"

Alex:"I'm fine. I feel stuiped for crying. It just hurts when you see somone you love, that you havent seen in a long time and they don't remember you."

Anita:"Don't feel dumb for crying . I'm sure if you would of told him your name he would of remembered you."

Alex:"I'm sure he would have, but what if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's over me? What if he hates me?"

Anita:" Your asking the wrong questions. What if he wants to see you? What if he's not over you? What if he loves you?"



Alex:" I love you.."I smiled.

Anita:"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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