“Hang on, Zayn’s gone missing?” My mind sprung open “So you mean it could have been Zayn that took Liam”


“Paul you promised us that Zayn had nothing to do with this, you promised us that, that shirt was not his. You lied.” Louis blurred into a thread of tears.

“We didn’t want to upset you boys anymore.”

“All you’ve done is made it worse Paul” Louis hissed storming away.

“Sorry Niall, management didn’t want to say anything. You guys have enough on your plate already so they thought it was best that we kept it a secret” I waved him off walking into the kitchen my jand reaching out for a soda.

Damn I’m so confused.

Liam’s P.O.V

I sunk into the car seat my hands wrapped tightly around the notebook as we drove slowly back to the lads. I was nervous, real nervous, my mind kept thing about Harry. I miss him, heaps, his hurt and it creeps me a bit that the person that hurt him is next to me. I feel like I need to punch him, take my anger out on him, kill him, but I just can’t. Out of all the things his done I can’t react back.

And that scares me.

A lot.

It’s like I’m trapped in some sort of hole and there no going back. He hurt me, I can’t do anything about it. He hurts someone I love, I just blank out. I feel useless, worthless, lost. And it’s all because of him; Zayn Malik, the boy who took my virginity, my love and my life, all causing me to shatter and be half the man I was.

I looked to the left eyeing him steadily; sadness filled his eyes as he fiddled with his fingers. My thumb rubbed over warn leather causing Zayn to look to the side.

“Zayn…Where are you going after this?” I mumbled, he took a deep breath turning his head towards the window.




“Zayn stop this and just answer the damn question!” my voice raised with anger, my fingers snapping as I turned my body completely facing him. He flinched at my sudden raise of voice causing me to back away a little.

“Zayn look at me” I threatened, he looked at me eyes starting to shine with a very vulnerable side starting to show, making me want to hate him as he crushed my heart.

“I don’t- somewhere far away where I can’t hurt you” he bowed.

“What about One Direction?” I questioned “You can’t just give up, because if you do we aren’t a band anymore. There’s no way management will continue us, were done, One Direction is over.”

“Of cause they continue just because I’m not there, no one’s going to care anyway Liam, no one will care that the shy little Bradford bad is gone, who’s going to even realise? Who Liam? Who?” he spat twirling his foot in frustration.

“Don’t be so fucking stupid Malik, what about all you’re fans Zayn, what about them, you’re just going to give up on all of them let them all down the ones that spent all there hard working money on buying our albums and tickets to come and see us. The fans that look up to us as inspirations and just like that you’re going to let it all slip. Are you serious? You’re got heaps of fans Zayn, don’t let them down.” His eyes cringed, his hands going numb looking down at his shoes.

“Liam, they don’t like me. I have the least amount follows on twitter-“

Fucking- Zayn- are you serious? Have you looked at me, seen the fucking hate I get ever fucking minute of the day? Just because you have least amount of followers then all of us means nothing. You’re not the one who gets the quietest screams at a concert, you’re not the ones who gets hate sighs, you’re not the one always getting judged on the way you look, the way my nose is too big for my fucking head, how I’ve changed so much that I’m trying to be an attention seeking whore. You have it much better than I do, count yourself fucking lucky!” I ranted kicking my feet about letting the pain sweep into my system thinking on how bad I’ve got it. 

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