Chapter 13 -- Grand battement

Start from the beginning

"Do you really expect me to stay behind while you..."

"I'm sorry you're taking it like this."

"Yes," He said, "and so am I. Look, Monique... if I forced you to make a choice, between the opportunity and me, what would your answer be?" The silence that followed was deafening and confirmed my worst fears. It was an unfair question

"Please don't make me choose, Travis. I don't wanna hurt you with my answer"

I was only brought back in reality when Travis bolted across the room and into my arms, wrapping his arms around my waist as he did.

I felt Travis hands on my shoulders, slowly caressing me in his warmth. My eyes opened on Travis, standing ,only a millimeters away, watching me. He never said a word, didn't make a sound.

"You're really edgy." He gave me a sly grin, and I could only look back at him


He squeezed me tight and he leaned his head down on top of my head. "Edgy. On edge. Nervous." He covered my face with kisses

"Oh. Well I think I got reason to."

"Can I take your mind off it?" He reached under my shirt and his hands moved up and down on my back.

As he started to kiss and suck on my earlobe, I felt how he gently brushed his hand up the side of my soft breasts and I supposed he heard my breath catch in my throat for he smiled between kisses.

My breath came fast and wild as he kissed me hard, almost too hard. Travis caught the back of my neck in one strong hand and leaned forward, snaking his tongue into my mouth some more. I could taste the whisky on him, smell his dark masculine odor. I fought the urge to pull back from him, suddenly not in control anymore.

"I miss you, Monique." He whispered as he pulled back. For some reason those words kept my foot on a jel-o but I didn't respond, I couldn't even think straight. My mind kept yelling me to stop but my body screamed to give in.

"Trav. Ano ba trav?" I said trying to push him away from me but he was persistent "Stop," I said firmly. I didn't turn to face him. He didn't have to see my face to know I was serious. "Not tonight, Trav. Not tonight, and not tomorrow night and not ever again. This has to stop,"


Travis began kissing me gently around the perimeters of my lips as if not hearing my plea, and then he brushed his mouth across my cheeks before moving down and nibbling at my jaw line. My body seemed to quiver. My face flushed.

"Because I'm sick of this." I said as I pushed him away from me but

His fingers quickly moved across my chest, slipping button from hole as his fingers moved down my shirt. His kisses so wet, so sensual, my knees appeared unable to hold me upright. His fingers ran through my hair, down my shoulders and back again.

"Stop it, Trav!" I said as I moved away my face when he was about to kiss my mouth full

Just as I was about to move, Travis grabbed and spun me around.

I pulled free . "Get off me; you have no right putting your hands on me." I said shortly as I pushed him away. Travis shushed me. I was being loud and would wake Yaya Nena if I kept with my tone.

"Monique, come on. You're not still mad at me are you? I thought we could be friends." His fingers were running down my arm as I stood silently fuming, shocked by his nerve. "Special friends. Come on it's been days, you know we were good together."

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