Sad Badwood

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Yas left today, going to California Berkeley to visit a friend of hers named Jordyn after blurting out that she has heart attack.

I miss her. I'm worried about her.

"She'll be fine," Erica said.

"You knew and never told me?" I ask, feeling betrayed.

"She didn't want me to tell anyone." Erica said, inspecting her nails. "She'll be back though."


Now I know why Yas wanted to leave. She couldn't deal with the drama.

"Sucks, she was going to be the godmother." Erica drawls, rubbing her stomach.

It's been a month without her and Aunt Ihara said she's going to be attending a school there with her best friend.

"She'll be back, dear. She just won't be able to handle stress and feelings. She needs to be happy." Aunt Ihara tells her. "We miss her too."

"Maybe she'll finally find her knight in shining armor." I said.


"Don't talk to me." Evan tells me before I could even say hi.

I smile. "Liked the kiss?"

"You're disgusting," He spat.

I was friends with his sister so I decided to visit.

" should stay away from my niece, you know? She's bad influence." I said, sounding serious.

"She is, but I love her. I love her more than an auntie can." Evan spat.

I feign hurt before smiling,"You dumbass. I never loved her. She betrayed my sister. Anyway, you should break up with her."

"I would never.." He said.

Rolling my eyes, I said. "Butthole. She's a player, Evan. She took my boyfriend. She took Annette's. She took Yasmin's. She basically stole our boyfriends. And after having her way with them, she dumps them."

"You're lying. Even if she did, that's gotta be in the past. She's changed." Evan defends.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask before walking out of his room. He was shirtless when I came in.

It's raining outside and I only had on a tank top so I stole his hoodie.

I put on his hoodie as I walk out, bumping into Anneeka.

She sees Evan's hoodie and her nose flares. I smirk.

"We should do this again, sometime." I tell Evan before leaving.

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