Sick Badwood

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Sick. That's how you feel when you're deeply in love and you find out you've been cheated on.

It's been two days since the party. Brad left 7 messages and 32 missed calls, but never made the move to come to me. Annette has been quiet lately, avoiding my gaze. She tried to talk to me once which ended a disaster. I slapped her face. Hard. Leaving a mark.

Erica was giving me the cold shoulder, still pissed that I left her at the party and lied to her. She's also pissed at Annette who left to.

Right now, I stood in the kitchen, looking blankly at the kitchen counter just as Yasmin placed trays of cookies on it in front of me. Chocolate chip cookies, my favorite.

"Don't." Yasmin says before I could even touch one. "These are for Jojo. It's his birthday today."

I pout, but sat on the bar stool. We were in our grandparents house, on my mom's side.

I wore a white tee with black short shorts with my feet barefoot. My hair was a mess. Who should I look pretty for now?

"I want-" Erica says when she saw the cookies, but Yasmin told her not to touch.


Walking down the street, I found a familiar head among the crowd of people walking up.

Before I could turn around, Brad stops me, saying," Will you please let me explain?"

"Explain what? You f*cking bastard cheated on me for my sister." I spat at him.

"Please," He starts.

"Don't ever talk to me again." I said firmly before walking pass him.

"I don't love Annette, okay?" He said anyways.

"Then why kiss her shit-face? You love her moron. If you didn't love her, you wouldn't have sucked her face. just leave," I said bitterly.

"Wow, seriously?" He laughs bitterly.

"Seriously.." I mutter.

He stares at me and I stare back at him. I hope he can read my eyes. See that I clearly hate him. I hate him. Very much. I seriously thought he'd be mine forever. But I still can't seem to get him out of my system. I'm attached to him. It's hard for me to let go. I love an idiot.

Before I could turn, he grabs my face in his hands and smashed his lips to mine. This would have felt good if he didn't kissed my sister. His lips taste like acid. Like shit. Vile. Disgusting. He couldn't stop, so I did what any girl would do if she didn't want to kiss. I slapped him. Hard across the face.

Wow, I'm getting good at this. This slapping thing. Whose next?

As if I can't get enough, my other arm decided to slap him on his right cheek. He looks like he's blushing. My hand prints on his face are pretty. Now if only my foot could make it to his balls. I can't believe I let this dick take my virginity.

"You bitch." He sneered.

"Love ya." I smile sarcastically. "Not."

With that, I flip my hair and walk pass him. I knew he would be staring at my fine booty so I put my middle finger behind me.


"You slapped him? OMG, that's good news. Right, Yas?" Erica gushes, elbowing Yasmin who was busy reading a book.

She looks at Erica, then at me. "What's going on?"

"Seriously?!" Erica exclaims, throwing her hands up. "Never mind. Continue, I'll tell you later."

"Don't bother." Yas tells her before putting on earphones, walking out of the kitchen.

I stood behind the counter where Erica sat comfortably on the barstool. I don't feel good, so I thought ice cream could help me through this heartbreak.

"Meanie!" Erica said loudly.

"I heard that, Erica." Yas said from outside.

"Shucks," Erica said. "Anyway, he deserves it. Who knew Annette would do such thing?"

"I'm going to move on." I said.

"Hold up, miss movin on. You can't move on that easily."

"Yes, I can." I said confidently.

"No, you can't." Erica mutters.

Watch me. I can move on.

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