Teary Badwood

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I try not to turn around and strangle the person behind me to death.


Forgive him. Hell to the no. I'm not Yas.


Give him a second chance. He won't poke you again.


Having enough of this, I turn around to see the person I'm trying to ignore for the rest of my life.

"Brad, what the fuck is up your ass?" I snap at him just as he was about to poke me again.

"Feisty, as always." Said Brad.

"Leave me alone, moron." I tell him.

I turn around, trying to concentrate. Miss Fee, our History, was explaining something about the cold war. I didn't even know there was a cold war.

"Give me a second chance, please." I heard him whisper.

"Yeah, when I'm dead. You could have my dead body." I whisper back.

Why am I even talking to him again?

Before he could say something, Miss Fee accidentally dropped her books. Miss Fee is the youngest of all the teachers. Boys think she's damn hot. And that they'd totally do her.

Quentin High is the only public high school here. You could say we Quentin students are the bad ones. We're the careless and bad asses. There are other high schools here, but they're private.

Some schools here are middle schools, but public. Those students then attend Quentin High. Yasmin, Alec, and Anthony all go to a private Christian school called Calvary Christian Academy.

After class, I spot Evan talking to a girl in the hallway. I bite my lip, refraining myself from saying something bad.

"Hey Evan," I say with a fake smile on my face as I reach them.

"Um, Hi." The girl said awkwardly.

"Brat, how are you today? You look happy." Evan says, looking at me with an emotion in his eyes, I can't decipher.

"I'm fine, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" I say with a forced smile.

Evan frowns at my behavior, but introduces me.

"Anneeka, this is Anne Louise Johnson. Anne, meet Anneeka Badwood." Evan introduces.

Anne. So this is the girl he likes. I feel my heart tearing apart. I'm standing next to the girl who has his heart and attention.

She has strawberry blonde hair and a heart shaped face with violet eyes. She looks so beautiful and kind.

Not being able to stand in their presence anymore, I walk pass them and into the cafeteria. Tears started forming so I decided to go to the girl's room.


"Tell me what's bothering you now."

Looking up from my small book, I met Evan's eyes. They're filled with sadness, worry, and concern.

"Nothing's bothering me, Evan." I muttered, packing my things together.

"There it goes again. Your always walking away from me. Talk to me. I told you that you can always talk to me. I'm all ears. Just speak to me." Evan pleaded.

"It's not important. Where's Anne?" I asked.

"She's with her friends," He replied.

"I got to go. See you later," I say, slinging my bag over my shoulder. I put on my rayban and started to walk pass him.

Just as I was going to pass him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. He wraps his arms around me. He's hugging me. I could feel tingles everywhere.

"I'm worried about you, okay? Please talk to me." He said.

Tears started forming and it's a good thing I'm wearing my shades. I don't want him to see me crying.

"Bye." I said, pulling away.

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