Smart Badwood

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"Good morning, class." Ms. Moona said with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss Moona." Hailee said and I try not to roll my eyes at her.

Hailee is always trying to be the best student. That girl would always do things I wouldn't do. Like when we're assigned to do just one page, she wants to do two page. If I was Miss Moona, I'd give her the whole book to read in one night.

I bet she even brought more than one frog.

"Get to your partner now, find a corner to work on the dissection. Try not to mess the class up okay?" Miss Moona said, sitting down.

"Miss Moona, what happens if we didn't bring a frog?" Isa asked nervously as Brad places his hand on her thigh.

I turn away and look at Evan who was staring at me.

"Then you'll have to do five section reviews for homework. Each section review has about 15 long questions. And I expect the answers to be in complete sentences." Miss Moona utters.

"But Miss Moona, there were no frogs in sight yesterday." Isa says and some girls in the class agree.

"Miss Badwood brought a frog this morning." Miss Moona said when she saw the stolen frog.

Isa looks back and her eyes go wide. "BRAD!"

Brad looks at her,"What?"

She growls in frustration. "BRADLEY!"

Brad turns around and sees the frog. Ah, they recognize the frog.

"Miss Moona, last night my pet frog went missing." Isa tells the teacher.

"And that's our frog!" Brad yells.

"Excuse me? Are you saying I stole your frog?" I ask rudely.

"You did. That's my frog. That's my Bradley." Isa hissed.

I pick up the frog and threw it at them.

Imagine their faces when they realize it's a stuffed frog. Priceless!

After we stole their frog, Evan said it was wrong. So we decided to let it go free. We put a black tape on it's skin so we know it's Isa's frog.

Before they could say something, a knock on the door sounded. I smile when I see Anthony and Yasmin with a accomplished look on their faces. In a box was a frog.

"There's my frog." I smile and went to the door. I grab the box from Anthony and thank them for bringing the frog. After so much begging, they pitied me and brought this.

Evan smiles and I feel my stomach wanting to explode with butterflies.

"Here are your materials, now get to work." Miss Moona said.


"Hey, there's a frog." Yasmin said, pointing.

We were at the track field, looking for a frog for Anneeka since we didn't have school today. I found the frog she saw and noticed it had a black tape on it. I put gloves on before taking the tape off. The tape was strong it tore a bit of the frog's skin.

"Here's your prince, Yas. Kiss it." I said, giving Yasmin the frog.

She starts throwing her hand forward, trying to get it away from her.

"Cherelle, your boyfriend's bothering me!" She yells.

Cherelle, my girlfriend, frowns as she saunters over to us.

"Anthony Marnon, stop it this instant or you don't get a kiss. Give me the frog." I reluctantly give her the frog.

She smiles and gives me a kiss before we all get going. We brought the frog to Anneeka and left.


"IT'S NOT YOUR FROG, OKAY! THAT ONE HAS UGLY SKIN." I tell Isa who keeps whining.

"I want to eat Bradley. I heard if you fry frogs they taste like chicken." Isa tells me and I couldn't help but vomit on her chest.

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