Disrespectful Badwood

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Walking down the rocky road, I smiled. Well, I mean, Evan is walking. I'm on his back, he's being sweet. We're going to go celebrate us getting a 100% on the dissection project. Honestly, that frog looked familiar.

I get off his back and we walk side by side. Then I felt like smoking. I take out a cigarette and light it.

"Well if it isn't our niece," I heard a sickening voice say.

Standing before me stood my aunties. They are my young aunties. Antonina and Megan Fiorenza are daughter's of my grandma's sister, Florella.

Antonina, the oldest between them, has brown thin hair. She's a senior now.

Megan is the youngest with her brown hair and mean brown eyes. We're the same age except I'm older.

My family and I are never cool with them.

"Hello, aunties." I said with a fake smile.

I try not to cuss at them when they start checking out Evan.

"I'm going to tell on you. You're smoking." Megan says.

"I'm doing the same to you too, auntie." I say, letting out a puff before throwing the cigar on the ground and stomping my foot on it.

"You bitch, don't disrespect my sister." Antonina snaps.

"You're the bitch." I say.

"What are you doing with her? She's bad influence." Megan tells Evan who looks uncomfortable.

"And your bad aunties." Evan said, grabbing my hand and walking pass them.

I smile. Thankful that he stood up for me. It makes me fall even hard for him. Sucks, i don't know if he likes me back.


"Evan, thanks for what you said. They really are bad aunties." I said with a grateful smile.

He smiles, saying,"No need to thank me."

He brings in the pizza with our soda to the living room. We're going to watch Pete's Dragon tonight.

We didn't talk as we watch the movie. But I couldn't help but glance at him a few times.

After the movie, Evan said he'd drop me off at Yasmin's house. On our way, we talked about random things. And stupid things we've done.

I learned that when he was six he got into a car accident but he lived luckily and I'm glad he did.

He parks in the Carter's driveway and I look at him and those kissable lips. I want to kiss him so bad.

"Well, good night." Evan said.

I open the door, debating if I should kiss him or not.

I tried my best not to kiss him as I got out of the car.

"Night, Jerk." Angry that he didn't think about kissing me. I'm stupid if I think he'll like me back. I'm a bad girl. He's a good boy. He'll never go for a girl like me.


I'm finally back where I belong. When I got back home, I ignored my parents. I didn't want to talk to them. I only get out of my room to go eat or shower.

Needing to do my laundry, I grab a basket and dumped my dirty clothes into it. I went to the laundry room downstairs and started filling the washing machine with water. I took out my pants and took out cigarettes that are in and put it on the sink.

When there's enough water, I dumped my clothes in and added soap in. I heard the phone ringing in the living room and so I went to get it.

"Hello," I said into the phone.

"Ah, my niece answered the phone."

"Aunt Megan, it's nice to hear your voice again." I said sarcastically.

"Sarcasm.." She says. "I'm calling to talk to your mom."

"Not here." I said and hung up.

I hate them. They always bully me because their older and their my aunts.

I went into the laundry room and saw my mom holding my cigars. I gulp.

"Anneeka Badwood." Mom said calmly which scares me. "Are these yours?"

Oh oh.


I'm to no longer live with my family. I didn't want to go to my grandparents since they'll question me and all. So I decided to stay with Yrra.

"Hey bitch." She greets, sitting on Tokyo's lap.

"Hoe," I murmur, slumping on the couch.

My phone rings and I see it's Evan calling.

"What?" I ask.

I hear him sigh loudly on the other line. "I like this girl, do you think I should tell her?"

Jealousy goes everywhere.

Angry, I said,"Whatever."

I hung up. I don't want to hear what he has to say. I'm not the girl anyway. I bet that girl is beautiful and hot and smart, everything I'm not.

"Who was that?" Yrra asked.

"No one special." I shrug before going to my room.

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