Ignorous Badwood

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Guys, I love that car! It's my favorite car. Someone buy me the car! What's its name? Jeep Wrangler? Buy it for me! It's so hot. It's my favorite other than the camero. I love cars. I'm crying, I want it.

School sucks. My stupid aunties decided to transfer to my school and I've been ignoring Evan for a while now. I'm just jealous.

"You look like shit," I inform Erica who was now walking beside me.

She rolls her eyes. "I have morning sickness."

With that, she walked to her class while I stop by at my locker to get my grammar book.

I see Evan walking down the hall so I quickly grab my book and went into the girl's room where he can't enter.

"Anneeka." I heard him say behind the door.

I get out and look at him with no emotions.

"Hey," I say.

"Don't hey me. You've been ignoring me lately. What'd I do?" He queries, looking like he hasn't been sleeping.

"Nothing," I lie. "Did you tell the girl you like that you like her?"

He frowns. "I was going to, but she ignored me."

"Hmm, sucks for you." I said, walking off.

"Anneeka, wait!" He calls out, but I headed to class.


Anneeka has been ignoring me lately. I don't know why. But it hurts. I miss her. After I called her and asked that question about telling the girl I like, I like her, she's been ignoring me.

Nothing was her answer.

Great. I'm not stupid to believe that.

Anneeka didn't come to science class, the class we have together other than dance class. So I went looking for her.

She was at the old ruined school building, smoking with five guys. She was even getting comfortable with the blonde jock named Chase. Mad, I went and pull her by the wrist.

"What the fuck, Evans." She said angrily.

"What are you thinking? You should be in class." I said.

You should be with me not with those players.

But of course I didn't tell her that.

"Get lost." She spat.

Okay, where did I go wrong?

"I am already lost, Anneeka. I'm lost without you." But she didn't hear that, because when I said that she was listening to somebody else.

She ignores me and heads to class, muttering that I'm an asshole.


"So who's the girl you like?" Anneeka queries.

"Her name's Ann, she loves to ignore me." I said, looking at her as she tries to study.

"Well, go talk to her. I don't need you." She snaps.

Ouch. "Anneeka, what's your problem?"

She's giving me the cold shoulder and I would like to know why. I don't like this bad side of her. And seeing her with Chase makes my blood boil.

"You're my problem, Evansten. You have a girl you like. Go f*cking look for her. Go...kiss her. Just leave me alone!" She yells angrily before storming out the library. Good thing, no ones in here and the librarian went out.

I follow her out and sigh in frustration when I see her get into Chase's mustang and they run off.

"What did you do to her?" Turning around, I came face to face with a pale girl. "I'm Erica, by the way. Erica Badwood. Her cousin."

"I'm Evansten. And I don't know. She's giving me the cold shoulder." I shrug.

"Maybe she's jealous," She said before walking away with her boyfriend who's a football player, Blake.

Wait, what? Jealous? Anneeka jealous? That's impossible. I love her, she's the only one for me. She's the one I like, but she doesn't know that. She doesn't know she's Ann. Anneeka. My Anneeka.

Stop being mad and talk to me.

I decided to go check up on her at her house at Hard Rock. When I got there, I knocked on the door, hoping she answers it. But instead, her sister did.

"Hey," Annette said.

"Hi, uh. Is Anneeka here?" I question her.

She shakes her head, saying,"She's no longer living with us."

"May I ask why?" I ask curiously.

"Come in first," She gestures for me to enter and I do.

She leads me to into the living room and gestures for me to sit down on the couch. There were pictures in frames hanging on the beige colored walls. I saw one it was of Anneeka holding a fish at the age of six. I think? She looks so cute and happy.

Annette sits down across from me, looking sad.

"My mom found out she's been smoking still and didn't want her home anymore." Annette began.

"So, is she like disowned?" I ask.

Annette shakes her, saying,"Of course not. Our mom's not that heartless. It's just mom's tired of getting hurt. She just thinks it's better this way. Without Anneeka here, mom wouldn't get hurt by her actions. And there's no quarreling."

"So you don't know where she is?" I asked.

"No, but I hope she doesn't hate mom. She's doing what she thinks is best." Annette says.

I stand up, smiling. "I'll tell her that when I find her. Thank you and see you later."

I need to find that brat.


Tokyo has been sleeping all day so I decided to dump cold water on him. He shots up and screams.

"Cold!" He shivers as I laugh like an idiot. "I'll get you back for this."

After he left, I went to my backyard to see my best friend laying on the hammock just watching the sunset. I'm worried about her. She's been quiet and that's scary. She's usually talkative. What's happened to my bestie now?

I pull over a chair beside her and sit down, watching her carefully.

"What's going on inside that brain of yours?" I ask.

She doesn't look at me but stares at the view.

"Talk to me, Anneeka. I'm worried, bestie." I tell her worriedly.

"Yrra, I fell in love with the Jerk named Evansten."

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