Stealing Badwood

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"Good morning, class." Ms. Moona said, placing her things on her desk. "Today, I will be assigning your partners for the frog project. We will be dissecting frogs tomorrow."

The girls groaned while the boys smirked.

"Maggie you will be partnered with KC. Hailee with Donnie. Yrra with Louis. Derek with Ivona. Joey with Emma. Tyson with Melody. Jackson with Jessah. Brad with Isa. And last but not least, Evansten your with Anneeka Badwood."

"But Miss, can't I be paired up with Anneeka?" Brad complains.

"Shut up, Brad." I hiss at him and look at Evan who was feeling uncomfortable by the glares the boys were giving him.

"Sorry, Brad. Isa will be your partner." Miss said before walking to the podium.

"Now, tomorrow you must work together to dissect the frogs. I will be bringing the dissecting materials." Teacher explained.

I frown, asking,"Who's bringing the frogs then?"


"Come out, come out wherever you are." I say as I look for frogs. Funny, frogs are everywhere at my grandparents house and when I need them, they're not around.

"Honey, have you ever tried eating a frog?" Grandma asked.

Ew. Who eats frogs?!

"Ew, of course not." I spat.

"It tastes like chicken. Back in college or was high school, I dissected a frog. After that, we fried it's legs. It tastes like chicken. Really good."

"Gross, grandma." I said in disgust, shivering.

She laughs and goes back into the house.

After five minutes, Evan parked in the drive way. He smiled when he came over.

"Catch a frog yet?" He teases.

Apparently, girls had to bring the frogs.

"Nope, not yet." I muttered angrily.

"Well, get to it. I don't want to get an F just because you didn't bring a frog." He sighed.


"You want me to what?" Yasmin asked calmly.

"We want your help to catch a frog." Evan said for me.

"And why would I help you?" She retorts, standing at the front door.

Smirking, I opened my fist, showing it to Yasmin. Her eyes went wide as she takes steps back.

"Let that thing go, Anneeka."

Yasmin's afraid of spiders. Something every one of our little cousins know.

I look at the garden spider in my hand.

"And your going to help me?" I ask.

"You? I thought I was helping the both of you? Wait, are you guys paired up for this?" She queries.

Evan nods. "And she asked who was bringing the frog."

"And I'm guessing it's you." Yasmin states. "HA! GOOD LUCK."


"No way in hell. I'm not going to catch a frog just so it dies the next day." Erica hisses.

After Yasmin said no, we decided to come here. At Erica's.



"There's no frog around. They must have found out tomorrow's dissecting day so they hid." I whine as I step into the track field.

"Well, there's Brad and Isa." Evan said.

I turn around and saw Brad making out with Isa. Behind them, there was a frog in a jar.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask.

"That's called stealing, Anneeka." The way my name rolls of his tongue makes me go crazy.


Isa Haber, my partner for the frog dissection project, has been frog haunting for hours. Four hours to be exact. No frog. Where the hell did the frogs go!

How I don't want to be paired with my best friend's crush.

"Isa, never mind. All the frogs must have gone extinct." I said, sitting on the bench.

We're at the track field. There are tons of frogs around here.

"I can't get an F on this," She whispered.

"Hopefully Miss Moona would understand." I say.

She sighs and looks at the glass jar where her pet frog is in. I told her we could use her frog named Bradley, but she almost killed me because of my idea. She named her frog after me saying how much she hates me.

"Hey, we don't have to dissect it. We could always steal someone else's frog tomorrow." I suggest.

I look at her and she looks at me. "I don't steal, Brad."

"I'll do it." I say, looking at her lips.

Without thinking, I smashed my lips against hers.

After making out, I pulled back. Kane's going to kick me in the ass if he finds out.

"BRADLEY!" Isa screamed.

We turn around only to see the glass jar wasn't there anymore.


He was kissing her. My best friend. My own best friend!

I stood in the woods, looking at them at the track field. Only they were there. Once Isa told me she was paired up with Brad, I didn't like it. Then she requested for my help to find a frog.

I got one in my hand, but seeing that hurts. They still kissed even when my bad ass sister, Anneeka and her boyfriend, sneaked their way there and stole the frog.

I regret loving Brad now.

I'm a bad sister. Not only did I hurt my sister, but I hurt the one that loved me. I'm sorry Mortane.

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