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"Noo!" You scream. The man's face turns from pleading to anger. He grabs and knife and slits your throat. You sit squirming on the floor, desperate to stay alive. But to no avail. The life floats from your eyes and you die. There was no stopping it. You are transported to the under world.

You wake up in front of you Father's throne. He is gigantic. Over a hundred feet tall! But you're terrified.
You instantly start crying and begging for your life back. You can't see your Father's face but you can hear his voice. He's speaking in a demon language you've never head but you can understand. You cringe at the thought of it, you really are a demon.

"My child, you should be ready by now! How dare you come to me with this nonsense! IT IS NOT YOUR CHOICE! YOU SHALL RULE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He shouts. His voice booms through the area, shaking your body and the room until cracks appeared in the walls. Even the air is shaking, so much so that you can barely breathe. Suddenly a raspy voice crawls out of your throat pours out of your mouth, "YESS Father," it replies. Your shocked. That's not your voice.

Your Father snaps his finger and you're engulfed in a orange flame. It burns mercilessly. You watch in horror as your flesh melts off to reveal bright red flesh. Your real skin. Your bones in your shoulder blades and lower back protrude and soon you are given a long black tail and wings. You teeth grow into sharp fangs. You act as if your new appearance is amazing, but in your mind you're horrified and afraid. You immediately ask you Father if when you're The Demon King, will you have the same power as him and he tells you yes. You again act as if you're beyond excited. But you're crying on the inside.

For years you train with your Father how to use your new powers, but your body no longer belonged to you. Every movement you did was not controlled by you. It was controlled by something else..... Your inner demon. Eventually you take your Father's throne and become The Demon King. Some how you managed to take over the Earth. Everyone you ever loved, ever hated, ever spoke to, ever looked at is now a slave in your new twisted world. And you can't do anything about it.

(Sad end #2)

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