Run Away

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Run Away

You get up and bolt out the door. You apologize in your head for leaving your neighbour. You try and tell yourself that she was going to bleed out, that she wouldn't of made it any way. But you can't shake of the guilt. You left her there with that killer. You bolted out the front door and left her completely defenceless. You take one look at the door before you run to the car.

The killer was right over your neighbour and she was screaming and crying for you to come back, but you were to far away. He plunged the knife into her head, killing her instantly. Tears sting you eyes as you realize her death could of been prevented. It's all your fault. You jam the keys in the car door and it swings open. You're in the driver seat. You immediately lock the doors and you buckle up. You don't even know how to drive but you've played enough Mario Kart and GTA to figure it out. Plus your Dad always gives you pointers.

You're shaking a bit but you calm yourself down. You put the keys in the ignition. You're trying to figure out everything as you go. Suddenly the killer appears and starts banging at your window. He's begging you to come out. You know it's a trick though. You're startled and you put the car in reverse and slam the brake pedal by accident. Then you slam the gas pedal and end up reversing into a street light.

You quickly over come the minor collision and soon you are racing down the street. You find it a bit challenging to stay on the road and in your lane but in time you finally get it. You begin to relax again and your mind begins to wander. You start thinking about your neighbour and how you let her die. She was a good person, she was your friend. You are deeply saddened by her death. You begin to weep, cursing your selfishness. You know you could of saved her. Then something rams into the back of the car.

The impact is so strong that your seatbelt rips and you are sent flying out of the windshield. You hit the pavement and skid across it. All the skin on your arms and right side of your face is gone and your bleeding profusely.

You can see chunks of your flesh on the floor. You're disgusted and want to but you only spit out some of your blood instead. You can hear a strange buzzing noise and heavy footsteps. You aren't sure what's happening but you can't get up. The footsteps are cracking the pavement with every step and soon it's right beside you. But it doesn't stop. Although the foot was only on your head for a second, the pain was excruciating as it crushed your head into nothing but mush.

(Bad Ending #1, Try Again?)

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