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You could feel yourself slipping away. You're losing yourself. The demon in you is beginning to slip out. You can feel burning in your eyes as they begin to bleed and turn bright red. "NOOO!" You scream as you over come the darkness. The man scoffs. "If you won't go to the under world then I'll send you there myself!"

He swings a knife at you that you never saw before. As soon as it makes contact with your skin you disappear. You're travelling through dimensions and your falling through the plains of reality. Finally you hit the ground in a strange place. There's mirrors everywhere. You don't dare get up. You're too afraid of what might happen then a voice you recognize calls you.

"Get up!" It yells.

You get up quickly and look at the thing. It's you! But you're different
from it. Its hair is darker, and so are its eyes and skin. This thing looks disgusting and drained and is covered in some strange black ooze you later discovered was it's skin. It looks like an empty hopeless version of you. It's your inner demon.

"I'm tired of this eternal nightmare of being attached to you. I've waited eighteen long years for this. You're a fake! I'm the real you. I hate you, you ruined me and caused me pain. I hated being stuck in a stupid, boring host body. You're not even smart enough to choose the right choice. You'd rather live with stupid nose picking, brat faced teens then rule the entire under world! You're pathetic. And the moment I'll be free from you is when I end your stupid pathetic life!"

You don't give up easy. Even after the demon slashes and throws you into the glass wall, breaking it in the process. Now you're covered in cuts and bruises. But that doesn't stop you. You grab a large shard of glass and although it cuts your hand, you attack the demon and stab it in its eye. It screams loudly and transforms into a hideous beast. The same hideous beast that you saw earlier today by your house.

It attacks, you but you dodged and instead it breaks several of the mirrors. You take a piece of glass and throw it at the beast to distract it. You're lucky it worked. Then you grab another shard of glass and stab it in its other eye. The creature wails again and you have no time to lose! The monster is beginning to morph again. You grab another piece of glass, bigger than the rest and stab it through its neck.

The wailing was so loud, your ears begin to bleed but you keep going. Black and green blood sprays into you and some goes into your mouth. You're disgusted but you couldn't care less. You keep sawing until the things head falls completely off. You fall to the ground the same time the creature does. As its body makes contact with the ground it burst into a pile of beetles, centipedes, cicadas, spiders and snakes. Some try to crawl back into you but you kill them and the rest retreat. You catch you breath and lean your back against one of the mirrors.

You look into one of the only remaining mirrors. You're eyes are still bright red, and you're tears are blood. But you wipe them away and smile as your eyes go back to your normal colour. Inviting arms wrap around you and pull you through the mirror. Before you black out, you know wherever you are going, it will be safe there.


You wake up in a hospital bed. Your Mom is beside you and she looks a bit crazy and messy but when you call her, you can feel her motherly presence wrap around you. You decide not to tell your Mother that you know you are a demon spawn. You can't bare for her to be in anymore pain. And through some silent agreement, you can tell that she knows that you're okay now and there's nothing to be worried about.

You start to panic and wonder if your in an alternate dimension. But something tells you other wise. You still have a little bit of a demon inside you, but it's telling you that you're in the right place. You feel it becoming dormant and you feel safe again. You catch of glimpse of your red eyes before they return back to their normal colour.

You accept the fact that you'll always be part demon. Maybe you can use it to your advantage, after all, having demon powers is kinda cool. You have to admit it.

After a few weeks you are allowed to leave the hospital and go home. As you leave your hospital bed you see a broken tape in the bin. Strange you think but you don't give it any more thought. You leave the hospital and your mother is already packing your things in the car.

"Ready to go Hun?" She asks. "Yeah, I'm ready," you say. Then you both get in the car and speed off home, ready to restart your lives.

THE END!!!!😀
(Happy Ending)

My Father's Wish (An Interactive Horror Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang