Run out of Front Door

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You run out the front door. Hell nah! You ain't staying in there with that thing! You take off bolting down the street. You see your neighbour but you ain't stopping for nothing! You bolt past her, going faster with each second.

Soon you're going at an inhuman speed. You believe that you'll be safe now. But the moment you stop running is the moment you feel you neck twist around. Your neck snapped and you die.

You wake up in a strange place. There is a man sitting on a throne in front of you. You realize quickly that he's not a man. He's over a hundred feet tall! So tall in fact you can't see his face. But you can tell that he isn't a God either. You can sense the evil in him.

"I can feel that you know I'm not human, or a God. You know that I'm evil. Congratulations,"

The beast clapped his hands loudly. You could feel your eardrums bursting with each clap. Who are you and where am I! I don't care what I know let me go back home! You scream at him although your voice is tiny and insignificant compared to his.

He belly laughed, rocking the entire foundations of everything that existed and greatly disturbing you. "You're dead child. You're in the under world. This is your real home. Up there never was you home and never will be you. You belong down here with me, your Father,"

You don't understand a word that he just said. You can't comprehend it. It went right through one ear and back out through the other. You stood in silence and the monster continued its rant.

"Didn't you find it strange that your dreams came true? That when you needed something desperately a miracle would be performed. That when you wished something bad upon someone it came true? How you just seemed to know things when you first try them. It's because your not human,"

Alright I believe you! You scream to him in tears. You can't live with what he's saying but you can't listen to it either. The beast smiles.

"It's your turn to rule the under world. To become The Demon King. You must take my place now child. If you accept you will have endless riches, power knowledge and happiness, Do you accept?"

Accept offer
Stand up to him

(If you chose, 'Accept offer',continue reading if you chose, 'Stand up to him' go to the chapter labelled 'Resist Temptation')

What's the point? If your the spawn of a demon, why don't you accept you destiny. You accept, saddened by your fate but accepting it. Your Father snaps his fingers and your entire body sets on fire. There is no pain.

You watch as your flesh melts off to reveal bright red flesh. Your real skin. Your bones in your shoulder blades and lower back protrude and soon you are given a long black tail and wings. You teeth grow into sharp fangs. You're unamused. You just didn't care anymore. You had lost all your emotions. You train with your Father and learn how to use your powers easily, not that you could care less.

You eventually take over his position with ease and then.... the entire Earth. Everyone you know is suffering but you have become numb to it all the. The screams, the pain, the silence. You are utterly miserable. You live in Misery.

(Sad ending #1. Try for a happy ending?)

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