Lock Bedroom Door

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Lock the bedroom door and hide

You lock your bedroom door. Like hell you're going downstairs to confront that thing downstairs. You grab your baseball bat and go in your night table's drawer and get your pocket knife. Then you hide under your comforter, the only place you feel safe in that moment. You listen intently to the sounds downstairs. You hear someone moving around downstairs.

There's someone there. You dial 911 and tell the operator that's there someone in your house. She says she's sending someone but you're not convinced and ask her to stay on the line. She agrees and she stays on the line with you and reassures you that everything will be fine. And you believe her.... Well, until you hear the person creeping upstairs. Their gigantic feet crushing each step as they walk up the stairs. You try and tell the operator that the intruder is coming for you but the call is breaking up and the static noise is so loud that you are forced to end the call. You call your Mom. You need to get some help and you want your mom to know to situation you in.

You call her and tell her in a shaky voice everything that's going on. She tries to calm you down but you're in tears at this point. The thing is upstairs and you can hear it violently throwing open doors, ripping them off their hinges. Suddenly the phone starts to break up and you're desperately trying to stay on the phone with your Mom but your phone heats up and cracks in your hand causing you to scream.

You stop yourself from screaming but it's too late. You hear the thing outside your room. You have two options. You can jump out the window, you risk being hurt but you might be able to get away. Or you can hide in closet and pray that it doesn't find you.

Jump out the window
Hide in the closet

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