CH 10: New Feelings

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Narrator P.O.V.

Springtrap and F. Freddy decided to make their own team. They brought Ennard along.

F. Bonnie and Golden Freddy made their own team. They brought the Marionette along.

Everyone was split.

Into all these groups.

Bonnie broke her leg when the previous fight broke out. She had a cast and crutches.

Let's see how the people who didn't split at all are doing.

Freddy P.O.V.

It was sad to see Bonnie like this. Sometimes I just wanted to hug her and never let go. Whenever she would leave, I would just watch her, and wish for her to come back.

What the?

Why am I thinking of her in this way?

Eh, I'll just deal with it.

But then I started to feel not like myself, really. I stumbled over to my bathroom and put my hands on the edge of the sink to keep balance. I looked into the mirror on the wall. My eyes were not the same color as they used to be. Instead of a light blue, they were a very dark blue. This confused me. I decided to just lay down and maybe sleep would be key.

I'm Gonna Get YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ