Nara's POV

'Let's meet at the park, I have something to talk with you.. Will wait for you there' -Minho

A smiled appeared on corner of my lips as I got a text message from him. Finally he want to meet me after 2 weeks we did't met each other.

Well.. he's busy running his father's business nowdays and I understand that. But, This is called a date right? I excitedly changed to my casual clothes and went out..

I should get some fresh air and calm my mind after what just happened to me 2 days ago. Yes that tragedy which he left me alone on the high way still can not be forgotten.. I am very grateful to those person who have saved me that night. 

Even though this wound had recover, but I still remembered how pain it is when get hurt of him.

Maybe he has forget about that damn marriage his father talk about cause there's no any news from him after all .. 

Urghh why should I care.. I don't want to think about that jerk this time and only want to spend my time with Minho. 

As I arrived at the park, I saw Minho was sitting alone at the bench waiting for me. I greeted him from a far and he stands on his feet before walking towards me.  How I miss him by looking at his handsome's face..

He is a person who always understand myself although I'm a little bit clumsy, naive and also don't have any good taste in fashioned. He don't care about that not like the other men.

I  start running to his direction and hugged him excitedly and my cheek feel blushed with my action just now. But weirdly he's not hug me back??

What wrong.. I looked up to see his face . Thinking that he maybe not feel comfortable with it, so I awkwardly release the hug.

"What the thing you want to talk with me Minho?" I asked him while my eyes can't stop staring at him. I don't know why but he seems like trying to avoid his eyes meeting with me.

"Sit down." I take a place beside him.

I wait for him to continue his speech but he just silent while looking at the view in front of us. We sit like that for almost 1 minutes until I finally spoke.

"Minho.. what wrong??" I touched his shoulders and asked again, worry about him.

"Get's your hand off me!" he said raise his voice a bit making me in shocked while quickly put my hand down. Why he so sudden? My eyes began watered a little but I try to hold it.

He then take out his phone from his pocket and show the unknown pictures to me.

"EXPLAIN THIS TO ME?!!"he yelled at me and I nervously take the phone from him and observe the image.. My fingers suddenly shaking and my eyes started widened.

The person in this picture was me but the most shocking thing is I'm also shirtless on the bed. 

"Wh-why this pics with you? Where did you get this??" I stuttered and my tears fell down. I'm so ashamed as I want to hide this face away from him. 

"I asked you first Song Nara, now answer me!" he said while pulled his hair out of stress. He then turned my body to face him and look seriously into my eyes waiting for my replied.

"That's not like what you think Minho.. I-I..." he cut me off. 

"DON'T LIE TO ME.. This men in this pic send those pictures to me and say he's your boyfriend.. How could you betray me." Jungkook face suddenly come to your mind, All of this was his planned.

"Please Minho.. how could you trust those pictures than me" I swear to god if Jungkook is here now I will slapped him hard at the another cheek or maybe kill him with my bare hands.

"I will ask you this last question. Please be honest to me."Now his voice is slow before continue "Did you the girl in this pic??"

I shake my head but my mouth say yes.. "Please Minho.."

"Lets just end our relationship here.. I'm sorry Nara" that was the last words from him and he's gone leave me alone at the park like a dump person.

Tears well up in my face as I cry as much as I could.My heart really broken this day and now we're officially end.

This is all his fault!

At Home

You went into your room and noticed a new incoming message from your phone. It's from Jungkook. Great! one point for him and one point for you..You then opened it.

'The wedding will be held 1 weeks from now. I don't care about your decision as this is also not what I want to. Refused? Just wait me drag you out forcefully to the event. Prepared yourself'-Jungkook the jerk.

You sighed.. seems like you don't have any other choice. He will do everything that he said.

The next morning you told your mom about your broke up with Minho and also about your marriage with Jungkook soon and she's the one who always keep supporting you.

She's just okay with your decision. It's not your decision actually.

All preparations for the wedding are whole prepared by Jungkook's parents. This time the event not as vibrant as the first and they just invited their close relatives only.

You don't mind about that as what you have to do just attending the wedding event and answered that priest's damn question. That's all I think. 

You chuckled and realized that the damn question was meant for you to answer it not her.. 

Jungkook?? We didn't meet each other since the day when he forced you out from his car. That was the last time you saw him... To quicken the story  you finally married with him. It's funny right?

This is your cruel Destiny..

And also since the day you officially be his wife, you decided and determined yourself to forget everything about Minho and moved on with him.

You just want to be a good wife for him hope that one day he may change, Who know?? People changed.

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