11. Raman and Ice Cream

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"I brought food" Suga yell's.

His  voice echos through the empty house where the 7 boys once slept.

   "Yea boi" you say back.

   "You know Namjoon would hurt you if he found out you ditched school to be with me" you say to Suga while eating Raman.

  "Yea but he gets mad at everything I do so I don't care anymore" he says.

  "Aww that cute now come sit with me and watch a scary movie" you tell Suga while patting the seat next to you.

  "Ok sounds good to me" he tells you while smiling.

  He sits by you and gives you some distance between you. You didn't like the distance for some reason. It made you feel cold and lonely like last night.

 "What movie do you what to watch?" Suga asked while grabbing the remote from you.

 " I don't care. You pick" you replied to him.

 "Ok lets watch "Monster" "he tells you.

 "Ok sounds good to me" you replied while giving him a shy smile.

 The movie starts and the only thing You can think about is the space that is left between you and Suga. You start to lean and get closer.

  "Are you scared y/n" he asked you.

  You froze in place by that question. Your brain thinks about what to say.

 "Umm--ye--yea I' m" you tell Suga while stuttering.

 "Wow for this is the first time I have ever seen you scared y/n" Suga says in shock.

 "Shut up Suga" You say while slapping his shoulder.

 "Haha it's ok, want me to...um...hol..hold You" He ask while stuttering.

 You mind was in disbelief when he asked you. It was like he could read you mind. You face turned a light shade of red and your eyes light up.

 "Sure" you say while leaning into his side.

 He covers you with his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. You relax and start drifting off into sleep.

 Suga's pov:

  His thoughts:

  Oh my god, she wanted me to hold her. I think she likes me. Oh shit she is falling asleep on my chest.

 "Suga?" y/n asked Suga

 "Yea y/n?" Suga replies.

  "I think I like you to" y/n says before falling asleep.

  Suga was frozen in place by your words. That's when He remembered telling you that he liked you when you crammed Yourself in his bed.

 A light smile appeared on his face as he starts playing with your hair. He falls asleep with you still cradled in his arms. His warmth was with you again.

 -time skip-

 The door opens slowly and who enters is shocking.


 Hey people hope you like It so far sorry if I have bad grammar comment on any of it if you like. Keep reading to see what happens. It's about to get serious.

 Love you

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